Krótki email: prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o to by przy sprawdzaniu zwrócić również uwagę na to, czy interpunkcja jest poprawna. Z góry dziękuję.

Dear Sir/Madam

As a student of Materials Engineering at the Silesian University of Technoogy i would
like to ask you about requirements for students that apply for apprenticeship in your company.
Additionaly, could you tell me please, what responsibilities do your apprentices have, as well as
how many hours do they spend in your laboratory weekly.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Dear Sir/Madam (daj tutaj przecinek,)

As a (tutaj dodalabym ktoregoroku, 3rd, the year) student of Materials Engineering at the Silesian University of 'Technoogy' (blad ortog) 'i' (to slowo zawsze piszemy duza litera) would
like to 'ask you' (troche mi sie to nie podoba, bo jest za niskie, lepiej 'enquire' about (the) requirements for students 'that' (student to jest czlowiek, a do ludzi to 'who') apply for (tutaj przedimek 'an', jak maja duzo to moze jest specificzna nazwa np. engineering, czy cos takiego, tezto napisz) apprenticeship in your company.
'Additionaly' (blad ortog), could you 'tell me please' (zla kol slow, ..please tell me, ale to jest niskie, lepiej moze ...inform me regarding'), 'what' (the) responsibilities 'do' (that) your apprentices have, as well as
how many hours 'do' (niepotrz) they spend in your laboratory weekly.

I look forward to hearing from you.
(Na koncu trzeb dodac, Yours faithfully, )
Dear Sir or Madam
obie formy sa uzywane