Prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. I'm in two minds about going to London on the weekend.
2. I bear in mind that he joined to our company last month, I think he did very well.
3. This film is so scary, it's going to blow your mind.
4. He always changes his mind in the last second.
5. He made up his mind he is so fat, so he made up decision to start weightlifting.
6. A: I think it is very silly.
B: Why? What do you have on your mind?
7. When you write your exam, always keep an open mind!
8. I know she don't like pop music, mind you, she likes dancing in the club.
9. You don't know me, so please mind your own business.
10. I was going to slice a chicken, but it slipped my mind.
4. at
5. idiom jest zle uzyty, imo.
edytowany przez Aaric: 27 cze 2017
1. I'm in two minds about going to London 'on' (co to jest?) the weekend.
2. 'I bear' (to jest zle) in mind that he joined 'to' (dlacego to slowo tutaj jest?) our company last month, I think he did very well.
3. o.k.
4. He always changes his mind in the last second. - jak ponizej 'at'
5. He made up his mind(tu brakuej slowa) he is so fat, so 'he made up decision' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem) to start weightlifting.
6. A: I think it is very silly.
B: Why? What do you have 'on your' (to jest zle) mind?
7. ok
8. I know 'she don't' (po jakiemu to jest? prosze napisac to porawnie) like pop music, mind you, she likes dancing in the club.
9. ok.
10. ok
6. B: Why? What do you have on your mind? zwykle się mówi 'What's (What is) on your mind'. Moim zdaniem niezbyt dobra odpowiedź dla A.
6. Ja myslalam inaczej. What do you have in mind? (i.e. dlaczego cos jest silly)
edytowany przez terri: 27 cze 2017
Brzmi lepiej ;)
Cytat: terri
1. I'm in two minds about going to London 'on' (co to jest?) the weekend.
2. 'I bear' (to jest zle) in mind that he joined 'to' (dlacego to slowo tutaj jest?) our company last month, I think he did very well.
3. o.k.
4. He always changes his mind in the last second. - jak ponizej 'at'
5. He made up his mind(tu brakuej slowa) he is so fat, so 'he made up decision' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem) to start weightlifting.
6. A: I think it is very silly.
B: Why? What do you have 'on your' (to jest zle) mind?
7. ok
8. I know 'she don't' (po jakiemu to jest? prosze napisac to porawnie) like pop music, mind you, she likes dancing in the club.
9. ok.
10. ok

1. "for the weekend"
2. "Bearing in mind" - is it correct?
5. He made up his mind to he is so fat.. made up decision - podjął decyzję
8. doesn't like
5. 'Podjął decyzję że jest fat' ... to ma sens?
Cytat: Aaric
5. 'Podjął decyzję że jest fat' ... to ma sens?

rzeczywiście kiepsko to brzmi:
so he made up his mind to he won't eat sweets
np go on a diet....
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.