Rozprawka o jedzeniu na mieście

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Moje kolejne wypracowanie. Ktoś zechciałby sprawdzić co robię źle? ;)

„Nowadays many people are busy. They are working and have a lot of business things to do. It makes that they do not like spending their spare time on cooking. It leads to eating out. I think that it is good thing and there are a lot of advantages and also of dining out.

The main advantage of this situation is that it is a very comfortable. People do not have to be anxious about shopping and preparing food. Thanks to that they can spend their spare time with friends or family and even if they want on working. And of course, after eating they do not have to clean up after yourself. That is the main reason why people choose eating out.

Next benefit is that people can decide what they want to eat. There are no contraindications to get what they need. Sometimes, there is a problem that people do not have enough ingredients to prepare their meal. When they are going out they do not care about it. Everyone can control the quality of their food. Unfortunately, people usually do not pay their attention to the nutritional values and they are eating fast food which is unhealthy.

The last one plus for dining out is that it is not as expensive as everyone thinks. There are places where food is a very tasty and what is more cheap. Especially, it is a great option for students who do not have a lot of money. In every town are milk bars or different cheap restaurants where they can eat a homemade food.

But there are also drawbacks. Opponents point out that customers do not always know what exactly is in their food. People do not prepare meals so they do not know what ingredients have been used. The cookers can use an outdated ingredients. It can be dangerous and lead to various diseases.

Taking everything into account, I continue to stand by my view that eating out is a good option for people who do not like cooking or they are just slothful. I like to experiment in the kitchen, but if I am not be in the mood to cook I will go out and eat something delicious.”

Pozdrawiam! ;)
They are working and 'have a lot of business things' (nie jest jasno o co chodzi tutaj) to do. 'It' (nie rozumiem do czego to 'it' sie odnosi, trzeba jasniej napisac) 'makes' (nie za dobre slowo) that they do not like spending their spare time on cooking (ale czego, napisz 'meals'). 'It' (ja bym polaczyla te zdania i dala, which ultimately) leads to (tu brakuje 'them') eating out. I think that it is good thing and there are a lot of advantages 'and also' (nie rozumiem co te slowa tutaj robia) of dining out.

The main advantage of this situation is that it is 'a' (jak dajesz przedimek, to musisz dac rzeczownik na koncu zdania, bez przedimka moze byc jak jest) very comfortable.
Thanks to that they can spend their spare time with friends or family and even if they want 'on working' (nie za jasno o co wlasciwie chodzi). 'And' (nie zaczynaj zdan z 'and') of course, after eating they do not have to clean up after 'yourself' (alew jak dajesz 'they' to znaczy l. mnoga, tutaj tez musi byc l. mnoga).

There are no 'contraindications' (cos mi tu nie tak, poszukaj inne slowo) to get what they need.
When they 'are going' (wystarczy 'go') out they do not care about it.

The last 'one' (dlaczego tlumaczysz slowo w slowo z jez. polskiego, nie tedy droga) plus for dining out is that it is not as expensive as everyone thinks. There are places where food is a very tasty and what is more (it is) cheap. Especially (ale co? musisz wytlumaczyc) , it is a great option for students who do not have a lot of money. In every town THERE are milk bars or different cheap restaurants where they can eat 'a' (niepotr) homemade food.

'People' (nie, bo tutaj wtedy nie wiadomo o kim mowa, lepiej daj 'Diners') do not prepare meals so they do not know what ingredients have been used. The 'cookers' (nie, to jest zle slowo, moze cook, chef, ale 'cooker' to jest to na czym gotujesz) can use 'an' (nie stawiamy przedimkow przed l. mn) outdated ingredients.

I like to experiment in the kitchen, but if I am not 'be' (niepotr slowo) in the mood to cook I will go out and eat something delicious.
...Reszta zdan o.k.
kilka uwag:
have a lot of business things to do

moze "chores to do and errands to run"

Next benefit is that people can decide what they want to eat

To w domu nie moga zdecydowac co chca jesc? Moze Ci chodzi o "wide variety on the menu"

milk bars

Albo wytlumacz co to jest, albo pomin bo skojarzenie bedzie inne od zamierzonego.


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