E-mail do sprawdzenia

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Chciałbym prosić o sprawdzenie poprawności poniższego e-maila.
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Hi Mike,
How are you ? I’ve got an idea I want to tell you about. You talked a lot about this, that Chistmas in UK are very commercial. I thought about it a lot and I would like to invite you to Poland. We could spend Christmas together. My parents have nothing against this idea.

In our family, we try to make the Christmas time traditional. Gifts can not be too expensive. We give each other little things to make happy. Christmas is time for the family, so we spend it together. We dress a Christmas tree, decorate the house and cook delicious meals.

Last Christmas my dad roasted chicken. He put it in the oven and forgot about it. When we came back from shopping, the smell of burnt chicken was already at the door. We had a lot of lucky, that it was enough to ventilate the house.

It would be great if you spent Christmas with us. Let’s think about it, and please write me an answer. I hope you will accept my invitation and we will set the details your visit.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
Sam dzisiaj przejrzałem jeszcze raz mail-a i wrzucam poprawiony już odrobinę.
Hi Mike,
How are you ? I’ve got an idea I want to tell you about. You talked a lot about this, that Chistmas in UK are very commercial. I thought about it a lot and I would like to invite you to Poland. We could spend Christmas together. My parents have nothing against this idea.

In our family, we try to make the Christmas time traditional. Gifts can not be too expensive. We give each other little things to make us happy. Christmas is time for the family, so we spend it together. We decorate a Christmas tree, decorate the house and cook delicious meals.

Last Christmas my dad was roasting chicken. He put it in the oven and forgot about it. When we came back from shopping, the smell of burnt chicken was in whole house. We had a lot of luck, because we just had to ventilate the house.

It would be great if you spent Christmas with us. Let’s think about it, and please write me an answer. I hope you will accept my invitation and we will set the details your visit.

Looking forward to hearing from you.
All the best,
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