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The article from Forbes written by W. Maroszek is about rules of giving feedback. He provides that compliance with following hints guaranteed higher motivation and information for superiors what they need to improve.
The author goes on to say about evaluating someone’s behaves. He advises to describe blow the whistle on conduct because remark phrased incorrectly can discountenance. The second description relates to giving direct but constructive piece of advice shows cause and effect of different ways of behaviour. Mr Maroszek warns about inaccurate suggestions – they can cause escalating invalid attitudes. Another issue is not to judge line of thinking. The author considers one right solution which is expressing our willingness to know someone’s intensions – not criticizing in advance. Finally, he writes about frame of mind and make us more aware of Compliment Sandwich – which can help us with feedback.
The article ends with no conclusions.
Będę bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc
Po pierwsze, kiedy cos piszemy, to musimy uzywac slow/jezyka ktory jest w formie pisemnej a nie jezyka ktory uzywamy w formie kiedy cos mowimy. Ty piszesz tak, jakbys rozmawiala z kolezanka na podworku, a nie uzywala formalny pisemny jezyk.

'The article from Forbes written by W. Maroszek' (to trzeba inaczej ujac) 'is about' (to jest za niskie - nie formalne, trzeba 'concerns, regarding' cos takiego) rules of giving feedback. He 'provides' (zle slowo, tutaj moze 'suggests, insists - cos takiego) that compliance with following hints 'guaranteed' (zla forma, tutaj czas teraz.) higher motivation and information for superiors (tu brakuje slow) what they need to improve.
The author 'goes on to say' (nie, tutaj inaczej np. 'continues, further suggests - cos takiego) about evaluating someone’s 'behaves' (tutaj musi byc rzeczownik a nie czasownik). He 'advises to describe blow' (tego nie moige rozszyfrowac nawet) the whistle on conduct because (brak przedimka) remark phrased incorrectly can 'discountenance' (zle slowo). The second 'description' (daj inne slowo, np 'suggestion') relates to giving direct but constructive 'piece of' (niepotr) advice 'shows' (daj 'showing') (brak przedimka) cause and effect of different ways of behaviour. Mr Maroszek warns (ale kogo?) about inaccurate suggestions – they can cause escalating invalid attitudes. Another issue is not to judge (tutaj brakuje pare slow) line of thinking. The author considers one right solution which is expressing our willingness to 'know' (za silne slowo)' someone’s 'intensions' (ortog) – not criticizing in advance. Finally, he writes about (cos brak) frame of mind and make 'us' (nie, nie mieszaj mnie w tym, zadne 'us') more aware of (przedimek) Compliment Sandwich – which can help 'us' (niepotr) with feedback.