List nieformalny - CAE

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam tu krótki list do sprawdzenia. Chciałbym, żebyście rzucili na niego okiem. Oprócz listu zamieszczam także zadanie. Z góry dziękuje za uwagi i pozdrawiam.

Last summer you worked for a month for an international company that organises adventure holidays. Your friend Carlo wants to do the same job this year. and has written to you asking for information. Read the extract from Carlo's letter and from your diary below, and write a letter to Carlo saying whether or not you would recommend the job and why.

Hi there,
thanks for sending me this letter and sorry for not writing to you for a long time, but I had a lot of stuff to do. In short: yes, you should apply for this job, you’ll gain a lot of experience, improve your English and do adventure sports, but must remember – patience here is strictly required!

It was quite hard from the very beginning – I expected a lot of occasions to do sport, but there wasn’t any at all and great disappointed came! I was literally bounded to the desk and must do paperwork all the time. I thought it wouldn’t be end of this hell.

Approximately a week later, I had an opportunity to talk to English speaking guests. After few days I noticed incredible improvement in my language skills. I’d started to feel confident and had been surprisingly satisfied in comparison to the first days there. Starting to learn the ropes of something is a splendid circumstance to develop yourself.

Bosses were content with my progress and they had decided to give me important mission – preparing presentation for important English visitors. I felt stressed out then, but everything went smoothly. Finally, after all of this drudgery I could go canoeing – unforgettable experience, I recommend it to you.
To sum everything up, you can apply for this job but keep it in mind – you have to wait for some things in your life, and then the reward will come !

Hi there,
(duza litera) thanks for sending me this letter and sorry for not writing to you for a long time, but I had a lot of 'stuff' (nie rozumiem tego slowa, za bardzo kolokw..) to do. In short: yes, you should apply for this job, you’ll gain a lot of experience, improve your English and do adventure sports, but (brakuje 'you') must remember – 'patience here' (za bym to zrobila odwrotnie) is strictly required!

It was quite hard from the very beginning – I expected 'a lot of' (dlaczego nie dales 'many?') occasions to do 'sport' (mozna tez dac 'sporting activities'), but there wasn’t any at all and (brak przedimka) great disappointed came(!) (dlaczego krzyczysz na kogos?) I was literally 'bounded' (nie, sprawdz ten czasownik) to the desk and 'must' (nie, to jest zle slowo, przypomnij sobie o modalach) do paperwork all the time. I thought (wg mnie brakuje 'that') 'it' (nie, tu masz zle slowo, podpowiem Ci tutaj 'there') wouldn’t be (brak przedimka) end 'of' (zle slowo, tutaj myslales o 'to') this hell.

After ( brak przedimka) few days I noticed (ja dalabym tutaj przedimek, ale pomysl o tym) incredible improvement in my language skills. I’d started to feel confident and had been surprisingly satisfied (ja tutaj dalabym 'z czego') in comparison to the first (mozna dodac slowo 'few') days there. Starting to learn the ropes of something is a splendid 'circumstance' (nie, tutaj mi to slowo sie nie podoba, bo nie to miales na mysli, co chcesz powiedziec to 'opportunity') to develop yourself.

Bosses were content with my (mozna dopisac jaki) progress and they had decided to give me (przedimek) important 'mission' (wg mnie, to troche za formalne slowo, moze 'task?') – preparing (przedimek) presentation for important English visitors. I felt stressed out 'then' (tz kiedy, w momencie kiedy oni o tym mowily, czy w ciagu prezentacji, nie jest jasne), but everything went (mozna dodac 'very') smoothly. Finally, after all 'of' (wg mnie niepotrz slowo) this drudgery I could go canoeing – (przedimek) unforgettable experience, I recommend it to you.
To sum everything up, you can apply for this job but keep 'it' (niepotrz slowo) in mind – you have to wait for some things in your life, and then the 'reward' (tylko jedna, tutaj pasuje l. mnoga) will come !

Zdania ktory byly o.k. wykasowalam. Te wyzej musisz poprawic.
edytowany przez terri: 03 mar 2019
Bardzo dziękuje za szybką odpowiedź. Mam jednak kilka wątpliwości odnośnie paru sugestii:
1. In short: yes, you should apply for this job, you’ll gain a lot of experience, improve your English and do adventure sports, but (brakuje 'you') must remember... ----> celowo usunąłem tutaj "you", chciałem uczynić list mniej formalnym (ellipsis).
2. It was quite hard from the very beginning – I expected 'a lot of' (dlaczego nie dales 'many?') ----> nie dałem tutaj "many", tylko "a lot of", gdyż tak samo jak zaproponowana przez Ciebie poprawka, "a lot of" odnosi się do rzeczowników policzalnych.
3. end 'of' (zle slowo, tutaj myslales o 'to') this hell. ----> miałaś na myśli "end to hell" ? Czy end of sth nie jest poprawne ?
Byłbym wdzięczny jeżeli wyjaśniłabyś mi te rzeczy.
a lot of stuff to do jak najbardziej można potocznie tak ująć
bounded to the desk np 'deskbound' sprawdź sobie definicję ;))
edytowany przez Aaric: 03 mar 2019
Dzięki :)
Aaric, może mogłabyś się odnieść do tych rzeczy które napisałem w poście nad Tobą ?
...but remember, patience here is a must.
moje uwagi:
1. zle myslisz, pomysl teraz....improve your English and do adventure sports, but **** (tutaj widac, ze brakuje cos) must remember that....
2. z tym 'a lot of ' i 'many' to nie jest takie proste. Wg mnie, 'many' tak jak 'many occasions...on many occasions,
3. zdanie powinno byc tak jak miales napisane ...end to this hell. I thought there wouldn't be an end to this hell..
Dziękuje za odpowiedź, bardzo mi pomogliście :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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