Proszę o sprawdzenie kilku zdań.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Mam problem z kilkoma zwrotami jeżeli jest ktoś, kto mógłby mi pomóc bardzo o to proszę. Oto one:

1. Mery sister is eighteen years old.
2. Their grandfather to make breakfast in the morning.
3. His sister has a dinner at thrre o`clock.
4. An architect design buldings.

Z gory serdecznie dziękuję za udzieloną pomoc.
>1. Mery sister is eighteen years old.
Merry'S (przynaleznosc) sister is eighteen years old

>2. Their grandfather to make breakfast in the morning.
Nie wiem co chcesz przez to powiedziec
Their grandfather HAVE TO make breakfast in the morning.
Ich dziadek musi rozic rano śniadanie
Their grandfather MAKES breakfast in the morning.
Ich dziadek robi śniadanie rano ( zawsze )
>3. His sister has a dinner at thrre o`clock.
His sister has a dinner at THREE o'clock
1. 'Mery' (prosze chociaz imie napisz poprawnie-) (tu ma byc Mary's) sister is eighteen years old.
2. Their grandfather HAS TO to make breakfast in the morning.
3. His sister has 'a' (bez 'a') dinner at thrEE o`clock.
4. An architect designS buldings.
3. His sister has dinner at thrEe o`clock
Dinner bez 'a', to have dinner - jest bardziej gramatycznie

4. An architect designS buldings - 3 os. l. poj. dodajemy 's'
albo bez 's':
(the) Architects design buldings
Dziękuję wszystkim! Nie będę już wspominal, że ratują Państwo moje życie... ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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