Terri ! Podsumowanie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy może tak być ?

Po spacerze czas wolny i odpoczynek po podróży. After a wolk is free time and the relaxation after the travel.

Po spacerze jest czas wolny a my odpoczywamy po podróży. After a wolk is free time and we are relaxing after the travel.

Po śniadaniu jest zbiórka. Jedziemy do Metropolitan Opera.
After the breakfast is assemble. We are going to Metropolitan Opera.

Około godziny 20 wykwaterowanie z hotelu.
About 8pm accommodation from the hotel. (jak jest wykwaterować?)

Około godziny 9 wykwaterowywujemy się z hotelu i jedziemy do Filadelfii.
About 9am we are _____ from the hotel and we are going to Philadelphia.

Po przyjeździe na miejsce zwiedzamy Independence Hall, Dzwon Wolności, Dom Kościuszki...
After the arrival on the place we are touring the Independence Hall, Liberty Bell, Kosciuszko’s House...

Wieczorem wyjeżdżamy do Waszyngtonu.
Evening we are going to Washington.
After a 'wolk' (WALK) is free time and 'the' (bez the) relaxation after the travel.
After a 'wolk' (WALK) THERE is free time and we relax after the travel.
Po śniadaniu jest zbiórka. Jedziemy do Metropolitan Opera.
After the breakfast is assemblY. We are going to THE Metropolitan Opera.
About 8pm WE LEAVE the hotel.
About 9am we LEAVE the hotel and we are going to Philadelphia.
After the arrival 'on the place' (lepiej in Philadelphia) we tour the Independence ...
Bardzo ci dziękuję terri !
Czy mogę napisać np. Tokio - We are living in Plaza Hotel. ?
jako miejsce to Tokyo.
Moze .. We are living at the Plaza Hotel in Tokyo.
We are in Tokyo at the Plaza Hotel.
There we are going to the Niagara Falls. Accommodation in the Renaissance Fallsview Hotel. After that we are going to Niagara waterfall. Admiring the unusual views including one of the three waterfall’s cascade – Horseshoe Falls. Entry on the 160m tower – Skylon Tower. The tower is situated closely above the Niagara Falls. In the swivel cupola there is a restaurant and a souvenir shop. On a bright day the outlook from the tower allows a view of over 130km. In the evening are organised the illumination with a lot of lights. For those interested in that show, there is a possibility of a ship cruise with additional payment.

Prosze popraw jesli jeszcze tu jesteś !
'There' (chyba THEN) we are going to 'the' (bez the) 'Niagara' (NIGARA) Falls.
In the evening 'are organised the illumination with a lot of lights' (illuminations (moze tez byc illumination shows) with a lot of lights are organised).
>There we are going to the Niagara Falls. Accommodation in the
>Renaissance Fallsview Hotel. After that we are going to Niagara

I think it's been changed to Viagra Falls now, so you must be going to Viagra Waterlift now
sorki, dopiero zauwazylam, zle mi sie napisalo powinno byc 'Niagra'
sorry, przepraszam, chyba tak, cos mi sie te literki pomylily - myslalam o czyms innym - faktycznie o tym filmie z MM - 'Niagara' i o tym waterfall. Widac, co z ta glowa sie juz robi -
Wiem, to ta pora.
Przyznam, ze tez zwatpilam...
Pozdrowko i goodnight!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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