prosze sprawdzcie...opowiadanie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I had a difficult history test five days ago. I had been studying for this test for all evening. I was very tired so I fell asleep at about midnight. I had a very terrible dream that night.
I saw a magnificent palace which was located between two clear lakes. I couldn't take my eyes off it. I wanted to see the interior of this wonderful building. I saw something incredible inside! Many couples were dancing the waltz in the huge ball-room. I realized that I (cofnelam sie w czasie). "Excuse me. Where am I?" I asked one lady sitting next the door. She looked me up and down. "Don't disturb me. I'm observing this very important ball" she said. "Why is it important?" I asked. "Uhhh...because Louis XV organised this ball!" she shouted. "What!? Louis XV-the King of France?" "Yes. You don't fit here..." I felt very strange. She was right. I was wearing a colourful T-shirt and worn-out jeans which are trendy in XXIth not in XVIIIth.
I was scared. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't find my family and friends. I felt very lonely. I wanted to escape from this "cage" but I couldn't because I saw the sea behind the door! I was terrified because of people in the palace who were looking at me and my clothes. I started to cry.
Suddenly I heard my mum and I saw my room. I calmed down, I realized that it was only a dream. The worst dream I'd ever had.


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