czy ktoś może mi sprawdzić egz do sg?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
mam prośbę.chodzi o to że rozwiązałam 2 testy do straży granicznej ale nie jestem pewna czy zrobiłam to dobrze.jeśli ktoś mógł by mi pomóc byłabym bardzo wdzięczna.rozwiązame testy prześle na meila, proszę o kontakt na adres [email]
z góry bardzo dziękuje i gorąco pozdrawiam
Jak wkleisz te testy tutaj, to ludzie bardzo chetnie Ci pomoga. A tak, pezy okazji ktos inny moze sie czegos tez nauczyc.
to jest pierwszy test

(Wersja A)

I. Uzupe³nij tekst wyraSeniami podanymi w ramce. Uwaga: 5 wyrazów nie pasuje do
but / of / off / next / to / and / on / up / from / are / is / in / out / near / same
Dear Mary,
this time I’m writing 1.__TO______ you 2.___FROM_____ Italy. We are staying 3.____IN____ a lovely
hotel 4.___NEAR_____ the sea. Every day is the 5.__SAME_______ : we get 6.___UP_____ , we go to the beach,
we swim. We eat a lot 7._OF_______ spaghetti and we drink red wine. Bob 8.___IS______ getting fat,
9.__BUT______ what can I do.
We are coming home 10.___NEXT_____ week. See you then.

II. Spoœród podanych opcji, wybierz jedn¹ , która jest poprawna.
1. I’m free after work. Why don’t you come __ALONG______ .
a). about b). around c). along d). after
2. Susan has known Jim _FOR_______ years.
a). since b). for c). on d). in
3. If he got __A______ money, he’d spend it immediately.
a). a b). no c). many d). a lot of
4. They ___ARRIVED____________ in Warsaw yesterday.
a). will arrive b). have arrived c). will have arrived d). arrived
5. I’m ___USING_____ her strange behavior.
a). use b). using c). used d). used to
6. What __TUTAJ MAM PROBLEM NIE WIEM CZY A CZY C___ last night?
a). did you do b). you did do c). have you done d). you have done
7. I would like to go to ____THE____ USA.
a). a b). the c). ---- d). an
8. I have my English lessons ____ON____ Monday.
a). in b). at c). ---- d). on
9. I didn’t watch TV yesterday _MORNING_______.
a). morning b). in this morning c). on the morning d). at the morning
10. - _COULD________ I open the window?
-Yes, of course you can.
a). Must b). Should c). Could d).Will
11. I’m tired I ____AM GOING______ to bed now. Goodnight!
a). go b). was going c). am going d). went
12. Bad driving _IS CAUSING__________ many accidents.
a). cause b). are causing c). is causing d). causes
13. She __GET______ up at seven yesterday.
a). get b). got c). was got d). was getting
14. I was walking home when I ___MET_____ Dave.
a). was meeting b). had met c). have met d). met
15. - Would you like something to eat?
- No thanks, I __JUST HAD______________ lunch
a). have just had b). had just had c). just had d). have just been having
16. They often go out __IN______ the evenings.
a). in b). on c). at d). ----
17. It is not our fault. You can’t blame __US______ .
a). our b). ourselves c). yourself d). us
18. Let me know if you need __ANYTHING_______ .
a). any b). anything c). some d). no
19.THE ________ sun is a star.
a). The b). A c). An d). ----
20. These two pictures are __THE SAME_____.
a). same b). a same c). the same d). some
21. He knows the answer better than _SHE_________ .
a). she b). her c). herself d). she does
22. I __HAVE VISITED________ London in 1999.
a). was b). have visited c). visited d). be to
23. You are _THE MOST BEAUTIFUL_____________ girl I have ever seen.
a). beautiful b). more beautiful c). the most nice d). the most beautiful
24. It is colder today __THAN_______ it was yesterday.
a). that b). then c). than d). there
25. Tom always goes to work __BY_______ car.
a). at b). with c). into d). by
26. I fell asleep _DURING_______ the film.
a). when b). as long as c). during d). while
27. What are you doing __ON_____ Saturday?
a). in b). on c). at d). ----
28. I want to go to _THE_______ America.
a). ---- b). the c). a d). an
29. Did you come here _ON________ foot?
a). in b). on c). by d). with
30. Mozart ___WROTE_____ more than 600 pieces of music.
a). writes b). has written c). wrote d). had written

III. Przeczytaj zdania. Niektóre z nich zawieraj¹ niepotrzebny wyraz – wpisz go w miejscu
oznaczonym kropkami. Jeœli zdanie nie zawiera zbêdnego wyraSenia wpisz OK.

Przyk³ad: 1. His full name is Victor Raul Manani. …OK..
2. His full name is a Victor Raul Manani. ….a….

1. I looked at him when he wasn’t being looking. …BEING…..
2. I didn’t know you were in Warsaw. OK……..
3. Dick has painted a lot of portraits since he left the Warsaw. …THE…..
4. The two of them rarely listen to classical music. …OK…..
5. I said that they had been working at the time. …OK…..
6. If he had a better manners, he wouldn’t have behaved like that yesterday. THAT……..
7. If he gets a rise, he will invite me to dinner. …OK…..
8. Mrs. Johnson is asleep now. She is very tired because she is working
on a new symphony. …NOW…..
9. When he was a child he could have eat all the sweets he wanted to. HAVE……..
10. About sixty people are killed in car accidents in every weekend. IN……..

IV. Zareaguj w jêzyku angielskim na podane sytuacje.
1. Jesteœ w restauracji. Poproœ kelnera o przyniesienie menu.
__EXCUSE ME, CAN YOU GIVE ME A MENU PLEASE?_________________________________
2. Poproœ przechodnia o wskazanie drogi na najbliSszy dworzec kolejowy.
3. Opowiedz koleSance o swoim wczorajszym egzaminie.
4. Powiedz, Se zosta³eœ obrabowany.
5. Powiedz koledze, aby poszed³ do lekarza, jeœli Ÿle siê czuje.
____IF YOU FEEL BAD YOU SHOULD GO TO THE DOCTOR__________________________

V. Przeczytaj tekst i odpowiedz na pytania.
Margaret Thatcher
She was born above the shop in the small English town of Grantham . Her father, Alfred Roberts,
was a grocer. He worked very hard for little money. Margaret also worked hard , and she went to
Oxford University, where she studied chemistry. In 1951 she married Denis Thatcher, a rich
businessman. They had twins, a girl and a boy. The love of her life was politics. She didn’t have much
time for other interests. She said she only needed four hours’ sleep a night.
She became a politician in 1959, leader of the Conservative Party in 1975, and Prime Minister of
Britain four years after that. She had a strong personality. A lot of people were afraid of her, and she
was called “The Iron Lady”. In 1984 Irish terrorists bombed her hotel, but she survived. She was
Prime Minister eleven years. She finally resigned in 1990, but she didn’t want to, and she was in tears
when she left 10 Downing Street.
1. What was her father’s job?
_HER FATHER WAS A GROCER_____________________________________
2. When did she marry Denis Thatcher?
_SHE MARRIED DENIS THATCHER IN 1951_______________________
3. How many children did they have?
_THEY HAD TWINS, A GIRL AND A BOY_____________________
4. How much sleep did she need?
___SHE NEEDED FOUR HOURS SLEEP A NIGHT__________________________
5. How long was she Prime Minister?
____SHE WAS PRIME MINISTER ELEVEN YEARS________________________
Czesc I - jest ok
Czesc II - sa bledy w zdaniach nr. 3,5,7,12,13,21,22,28. Zdanie 6 odpowiedz A, zdanie 19 -ma byc ---
sprawdzam reszte
Czesc II - sprawdz zdanie 7 - dopiero zauwazylam - the usa
Czesc III - zdanie 6 'a', 8 niewiem ale pomysle o tym, 9 'eat'
Czesc IV - niestety sam/a musisz zrobic
Czesc 5 ok - zdanie 5 powinno miec ...FOR 11 years.
to jest drugi test

I. Wstaw podane w nawiasie wyrazy tak, żeby utworzyć poprawne zdania. Nie zmieniaj
formy wyrażeń podanych w nawiasie.
Przykład: ( listen / you / every / morning / the )
Do you listen to the radio every morning?
1. ( will / more / exercise / get )
- If you take _MORE______ _EXERCISE_______ you __WILL______ _GET_______ fit .
2. ( would / take /exercise / had )
- If I _TAKE_______ more free time, I __WOULD______ __HAD______ much _EXERCISE_______ .
3. ( get / didn’t / didn’t / money )
- I __DIDN'T______ _GET_______ a taxi because I _DIDN'T_______ have __MONEY______ .
4. ( doesn’t / go / if / have )
- We’ll _HAVE_______ to _GO_______ without John _IF_______ he _DOESN'T_______ arrive.
5. ( use / took / went / on )
- When we _WENT_______ __ON______ holidays, we _TOOK_______ a camera but we didn’t
_USE_______ it.
6. ( I’m / too / sick / ate )
- _I'M_______ felling _SICK_______. I _ATE_______ __TOO______ much.
7. ( start / did / the / it )
- How __DID______ _THE_______ fire _START_______? - I think __IT______ was an accident.
8. ( he / do / was / saw )
- __DO______ you think he _SAW_______ you? – No, __HE______ _WAS_______ too far away.
9. ( last / you / party / missed )
- _YOU_______ _MISSED_______ a great _PARTY_______ _LAST_______ night.
10. ( he / can’t / anywhere / is )
- I __CAN'T______ find George _ANYWHERE_______. I wonder where _HE_______ _IS_______ .

II. Uzupełnij tekst wyrażeniami podanymi w ramce. Uwaga: 5 wyrazów nie pasuje do tekstu.
an / to / into / in / another / don’t / the / was / a / others / fall / never / doesn’t / fell /other

Job INTERVIEWS are DOESN'T________ easy but some people make ___THE_____ most obvious mistakes.
Some arrive late. _ANOTHER_______ don’t prepare what they are going to say. And many _OTHERS_______ even
show any interest ________ the job.
There are lots of funny stories about job interviews. According __IN_____ one company, one
person went ___TO_____ the interview wearing motorcycle clothes – including a crash helmet!
__OTHER______ listened to a personal stereo the whole time. A third suggested __WAS______ armwrestling
competition with the interviewer, while another just __FALL______ asleep – and snored!

III. Spośród podanych opcji wybierz jedną, która najlepiej pasuje do kontekstu.

1. Hello. Is that 21077? Please put me _THROUGHT_______ to the manager.
a). across b). up c). through d).with
2. I’m afraid Mr Green isn’t in. Would you like to __LEAVE______ a message?
a). give b). leave c). say d). tell
3. Many young people become addicted __BY______ computer games.
a). to b). with c). by d). for
4. We’re all going to the cinema. Would you like to come __ALONG______?
a). on b). about c). forward d). along
5. The news we had from Paul _WERE_______ rather bad but we hope that everything will change
for the better.
a). is b).were c). have been d). are
6. I first saw __THE______ Baltic Sea in 1997.
a). the b). --- c). a d). an
7. He understands the problem better than _SHE_______ .
a). she b). her c). herself d). she does
8. - Could you lend me $ 50? – I am afraid I have no money __ON______ me.
a). on b). under c). at d). by
9.- I _HAVE VISITED_________ Paris in 1999.
a). have visited b). was c). visited d). be in
10. – She’s __HAS________ a headache since yesterday.
a). has had b). had c). has d). having

IV. Przeczytaj tekst i zdecyduj czy podane zdania są poprawne. Niektóre zdania zawierają
niepotrzebny wyraz – wpisz go w miejscu oznaczonym kropkami. Jeśli zdanie nie
zawiera zbędnego wyrażenia wpisz OK.
1. His full name is Victor Raul Manani. …OK…
2. His full name is a Victor Raul Manani. .…a….

1. Victor Jorge Manani is thirty years old. …OK…….
2. He lives in a “pueblo joven”- shanty town near close Quito in Ecuador. …CLOSE…….
3. He’s got two brothers and a one sister. ……A….
4. His father washes up in a café. …OK…….
5. His mother sells fish in the market. …OK…….
6. Victor sells cigarettes and hats to the people in cars. …NIE WIEM CO TU MA BYC…….
7. “ I like selling things in the street because I like to making money”. …TO…….
8. I make quite a lot of. ……OK….
9. I spend it on sweets , comics and going to the cinema. ……????????
10. I don’t like school but I like learning any English. …ANY…….

V. Uzupełnij zdania podanymi wyrażeniami we właściwej formie.
Przykład: ( strange )
This is the ….strangest…. person I’ve ever met.
1. ( cook )
My husband’s favourite _COOKING_________ book is The Garlic BOOK
2. ( usual )
It contains such __USUALLY________ things as garlic sweets, drinks and garlic ice-cream.
3. ( research )
He believes as do a number of modern __________ - that garlic has all sorts of medicinal
4. ( investigate, south, frequent )
A recently published __________ shows that in __________ European countries, where
garlic eating is common, heart attacks occur less __________ than in the north.
5. ( low )
Another study shows that where garlic is taken daily, the cholesterol level of the average
person is ________ .
6. ( origin )
Garlic is believed to have __________ in the Siberian desert.
7. ( through )
__________ the world garlic has also from ancient times been considered to have magical
powers, protecting people from vampires and other evils.
8. ( tend )
But however good for the health garlic may be, its use has always been limited by its
__________ to make both breath and skin smell.
Drugi test - Czesc I - zdanie 2 -prosze zobacz (sens tego zdania),
w zd 3 brakuje 'any' money.
an / to / into / in / another / don't / the / was / a / others / fall / never / doesn't / fell /other
Job interviews are NEVER easy but some people make the most obvious mistakes.
Some arrive late. OTHERS don't prepare what they are going to say. And many DON'T even show any interest IN the job.
There are lots of funny stories about job interviews. According TO one company, one person went INTO the interview wearing motorcycle clothes - including a crash helmet! ANOTHER listened to a personal stereo the whole time. A third suggested AN arm wrestling competition with the interviewer, while another just FELL asleep - and snored!
Czesc III-
zdanie 1. 'through'. Zdania 3,5,7,10 - prosze popraw.
Zdanie 9 - lepiej 'visited'.
Czesc IV-
zdanie 2 - brakuje slowa 'to' (close to)
zd 6 'THE'
zd 9 - OK
Czesc V
1. cook/cooking
2 usual
3 researchers
4 investigation, Southern, frequently
5 lower
6 originated
7 Throughout
8 tendency
terri jestes boski/a bardzo ci dziekuje za pomoc tam gdzie mam zle poprawie i jesli bys mogl/a to spr
bardzo bardzo bardzo dziekuje
pozdrawiab goraco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
popraw tam gdzie zanotowalam bledy - sprawdze, reszta jest ok.
dobzre o boski jutro to zrobie bo mam jakies problemy z internetem
pozdrawiam jeszcze raz buziaki
to jutro zrobimy - terri

2. ( would / take /exercise / had )
- If I _HAD_______ more free time, I __WOULD______ __TAKE______ much _EXERCISE__

3. Many young people become addicted __FOR______ computer games.
a). to b). with c). by d). for

5. The news we had from Paul _ARE_______ rather bad but we hope that everything will change
for the better.
a). is b).were c). have been d). are

7. He understands the problem better than _HER_______ .
a). she b). her c). herself d). she does

10. – She’s __HAVING_______ a headache since yesterday.
a). has had b). had c). has d). having

3. If he got __A LOT OF_____ money, he’d spend it immediately.
a). a b). no c). many d). a lot of

5. I’m ___USED_____ her strange behavior.
a). use b). using c). used d). used to

12. Bad driving _Are CAUSING__________ many accidents.
a). cause b). are causing c). is causing d). causes

13. She __GOT______ up at seven yesterday.
a). get b). got c). was got d). was getting

21. He knows the answer better than _HER_________ .
a). she b). her c). herself d). she does

22. I _ VISITED________ London in 1999.
a). was b). have visited c). visited d). be to

28. I want to go to __----_____ America.
a). ---- b). the c). a d). an
poprawie to jak przyjde z pracy - sa bledy w tym. Jak masz gg to podaj nr. wytlumacze.
moj nr to 7969114
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie