opowiadanie / I wish I had thouhgt twice :P

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Proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów w moim opowiadaniu..... W ogóle nie wiem czy to jest opowiadanie? Coś mi tu wyszło ale czy to opowiadanie, czy Bóg wie co? W każdym bądź razie i tak proszę o sprawdzenie i poprawienie ;) :) :P hehe :D
A temat był: Napisz opowiadanie, które zaczyna się od słów „I wish I had thought twice before I did it.”

I wish I had thought twice before I did it. It was on the last day of holiday. My friend proposed me to go out with her and others in the evening. I did not want to, but she nicely begs and I really like her. That evening I drank my first beer with them. I regret it very much because it was the beginning of the end.

From that evening my social life started slowly warming up, and intellectual life to fall down. I lived from the party to the party and my friends become paramount for me. I would do everything what they want. I was addicted from them because they fooled me. We saw each other every day, sent dozens of sms, we hitchhiked, play cards, drank, took drugs, smoked, and we call it “group therapy”.

One beautiful morning I understood that I do not realize my big plans and dreams and I started to think where are my former priorities. I told my friends that now before high school finals I have not time for them and I want to learn because I am nutty as a fruitcake. They stated that I went insane and offended at me.

I wish I had though twice before I backslide. If I could turn back the hands of time I would do everything in different way, I would study harder. But I know I will not do that. So I only repeat myself that instead of to worry before the event we should prematurely think and plan.

based on facts

Dzięki za wszystko I za pomoc :) :P
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Matka Chrzestna 8)
It 'was' (moze lepiej 'happened') on the last day of MY holiday. My friend 'proposed' (suggested) me to go out with her and others in the
evening. I did not want to, but 'she nicely begs' (begged me so nicely,) and I really like her.
..I lived from ONE party to the NEXT party and my friends become paramount for me. I would do everything 'what' (lepiej THAT) they wantED. I was addicted TO them because they fooled me. We saw each other every day, sent dozens of 'sms' (po ang to text messages, texts), we hitchhiked, WE playED cards, drank, took drugs, smoked, and we callED it “group therapy".
One beautiful morning I understood that I 'do' (COULD) not realize my big plans
and dreams and I started to think where 'are my former priorities' (my priorities LAY). I told my friends that now before high school finals I DID NOT HAVE time for them and I wantED to learn because 'I am nutty as a fruitcake' (I was as nutty as a fruitcake). They stated that I 'went' (HAD GONE) insane and offended me (bez 'at').
I wish I had though twice before I 'backslide' (backslid - ale moze lepiej relapsed).
So I only repeatED TO myself that instead of 'to worry' (WORRYING) before..