proszę o sprawdzenie;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

mialam za zadanie opisac ilustrację. chcialabym by ktos mogl mi to sprawdzic czy to jakos ma sens :)

In the picture I can see two young people. they are in the flat, in the sitting-room. They are watching tv. The man has got mid-long (średniej dł.), briht and twisted hair. He's good-looking. He's got shell blause and white trausers. The women has got bright, long hair. She has got dark golf, short black skirt and yellow tights. They are sitting on te carpet. They are in the room with green walls. They look condensed. They propably like thi programme in tv. They are relaxed. I guess they could be a pair.

1) Why ar these young people watching tv?
these young people watching tvm because they want to spend good time. They want to repose for daily obligations.

2)Do you think that tv stops people from thinking and talking?
I think that tv don't stops peole from thinking and talking. Because it's important to know moderations. Tv sometimes is attending a informative functions.

They are in ('the' A flat, in the sitting-room) (Tutaj powinno byc...are in the sitting room of a flat).
The man has got mid-long 'briht' (ortog) and twisted hair.
He's got shell 'blause' (ortog) and white 'trausers' (ortog). The 'women' (ile tam tych kobiet jest? Women to l. mn) has got 'bright, long' (zla kol slow long, bright) hair.
She 'has got' WEARS A dark golf, short black skirt and yellow tights. They are
sitting on 'te' (ortog) carpet.
They look condensed. (nie rozumiem co chcesz przekazac - aha - nie 'condensed' They are concentrating) They 'propably' (ortog) like 'thi' (ortog) programme 'in' ON tv.
>these young people ARE watching tv because they want to 'spend' HAVE A good time.
>They want to 'repose' RELAX 'for' AFTER THEIR daily 'obligations' WORK.
>I think that tv 'don't' DOESN'T 'stops' STOP 'peole' (ortog) from thinking and talking.
'Because it's important to know moderations' - (z czym to zdanie sie laczy?). Tv 'sometimes is' SOMETIMES 'attending' (nie attending a SERVES) aN informative functioN.
dziękuje, :)


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