prosze o sprawdzenie ;) pilne...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Opis obrazka:

The picture shows boy and girl udnder nice blue umberella in a raining day. She is teens, she has dark hair with ponytail. The girl is smiling, she looks happy. She has red bluse and dark trousers . She is good-looking girl. He also is a teen, he has quite long, dark, curly hair. He has green jacket, bluse in s… and blue trousers. They may be a couple. It might be sa because he is standing with his arm round her waist. In my opinion this picture is very nice and colourful.
spoko chyba:)...tylko under jest zle napisane
spoko chyba:)...tylko under jest zle napisane
Oczywiscie oprocz takich drobnostek jak: A boy, A girl, A nice blue umbrella, A teen, (zamiast she tu bym dal the girl, a w nastepnym zdaniu she), She has ....ON, pretty, he has... ON, so.....
u mnie takie błędy to standard hehe


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