proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę ponownie o sprawdzenie, dokonałam malej korekty w tekście

The transmission of thoughts from one mind to another is the basis of communication. People rarely consider the fact that the power of speech could change everything. This human activity give us huge opportunities to contact with each other and convey our thoughts. We can define two kinds of conversation: business and social. Nowadays business conversation is fundamentally different from social conversation.

Firstly business conversation always has a definite object and the exchange of thoughts head for this purpose. In social conversation the object is not very important, our purpose is to satisfy ours curiosity. Business conversation always consists of an elements of grim seriousness. There is always something that can be lost or won. In social conversation that elements are absent .Secondly in many business conversations there is a conflict of interests. On the contrary the social conversation, is more often a contest of wits. What is more in the business conversation there is a little elements connected with our private life. Business conversations usually are very significant and the matter of relationship should be limited. In the social conversation objects connected with our private life are the natural elements. Finally the most important difference between that two kinds of conversations is the character of the communication. The business talk must be brief, direct and explicit. In social conversation the rules are very flexible.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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