LIST krótkie sprawdzenie

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Dear Jonna!

It's great that you're coming to Gdańsk. I'm really exciting! It's a bigger, more attractive and more interesting city than Zielona Góra! (na pewno nie bedziemy się nudzić (?)) We can swim in sea, eat ice-creams and (opalać się). I also often ski (wodne narty). Sometimes I watch sunset on the beach. It's really indescribable feeling. In Gdańsk are more and greater shops than your city. I really love shopping! If you want we can see (zwiedzać) old and interesting monument and visit Sopot. That's also beautiful city in the area.
I have also the biggest, the most expensive and the best-looking house in the city. I think you will be happy.I hope so it's be the best holiday in your life!

Write soon and tell me your news!

dziękuje slicznie :)
I'm really 'exciting' (nie, nie to slowo- ale blizko). Dlaczego konczysz 2 zdania z wykrzyknikiem - na kogo krzyczysz?
(na pewno nie bedziemy się nudzić (?))
We can swim in THE sea, eat ice-creams and sunbathe. I also often water ski. Sometimes I watch THE sunset on the beach. It's really AN underscribable feeling. In Gdańsk THERE are more and 'greater' (nie, nie greater, moze larger?) shops than IN your city. I really love shopping! (znowu krzyczysz- na kogo?)
If you want we can visit old and interesting monumentS and visit Sopot. That's also A beautiful city in the area.
I 'have also' (zla kol slow ALSO HAVE the biggest, the most expensive and the best-looking house in the city. I hope 'so' (nie, tutaj nie potrzeba 'so' THAT 'it's' IT WILL be the best holiday in your life!
dziękuje :) poprostu tak mam, ze pisze wykrzykniki czasem.
ostatnie zdanie ma brzmiec: I hope IT WILL be the best holiday in your life!(?)
aha i jak bedzie 'na pewno bedziemy sie dobrze bawic'
>I hope that it will be....
mozna..I am sure we'll have a good time.