proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I had been suffering from flu in the blurred and bleak spring. Although I recovered soon I was down in the dumps. Evidently I need someone to cheer me up so I called to my old friend. He said that I`better mingle with people by going out to a pub or a nightclub. I followed his advice and made up my mind to go somewhere this evening. It was fierce, gale-force wind but I didn`t hesitate to go to a Irish pub.
Brimful of confidence I was waiting for my friends. Sipping my sharply bitter stunt beer I couldn`t succumb to temptation to observe a couple which was sitting in the corner of the pub. They reminded me of someone-thought to myself. A young men with oustrageously dyed hair in red, seemed to enjoy talking for the sake of talking and his girlfriend admired him secretly. Her sparkling eyes reflected flickering flames of a candle. Judge from her appearance she was still waters. Apparently they took nom notice of me. However, when I emptied my mug, it didn`t escape my notice that the couple started to look at me with curiosity. But after three mugs of alcoholic beverage I lost control of drinking and my head was spinning.
On the spur of the time they stand up with glittering eyes and made for towards my table. What do you want? Who are you?- I gibbered rudely. The young woman sneered and unexpectedly poured out a torrent of abuse: Listen, you jerk, don`t play dumb. You are the most sickening pervert I`ve ever met. I was just abut to open my mouth when she yelled: “You`ve broke my sister`s heart and swept all her money running away. How could you?”
I was so distracted due to alcohol that I hardly paid attention what she was saying. I starred at the couple trying to regain my conscience but it was difficult to collect my wits. I felt dazed. Don`t you understand! You had a sex with Kate and she is going to have a baby this month- she squawked unpleasantly. It was only then that I realized that they had mistaken me for someone else.
Evidently I needED someone to cheer me up so I called to my old friend. He said that I`better mingle with people by going out to a pub or a nightclub. I
followed his advice and made up my mind to go somewhere 'this' (chyba that' bo reszte masz w czasie przeszlym) evening.
'It' THERE was A fierce, gale-force wind but I didn`t hesitate to go to a Irish
Brimful 'of' WITH confidence I was waiting for my friends.
They reminded me of someone-'I' thought to myself. A young 'men' (men to l. mnoga od MAN) with 'oustrageously' (ortog) dyed hair in red, seemed to enjoy talking for the sake of talking and his girlfriend admired him secretly. Her sparkling eyes reflected THE flickering flames of a candle. JudgING from her appearance she 'was' (lepiej 'had the appearance of) 'still waters' (nie tutaj cos nie dobrze..). Apparently they took NO notice of me.
On the spur of the 'time' MOMENT they stOODd up with glittering eyes and
made 'for' (niepotr) towards my table.
I was just 'abut' ABOUT to open my mouth when she yelled: “You`ve brokeN my sister`s heart and swept all her money running away.
I was so distracted due to alcohol that I hardly paid attention
TO what she was saying. I 'starred' (ortog) at the couple (whilst) trying to regain my conscience, but it was difficult to collect my wits.
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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie