Proszę o sprawdzenie tekstu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie mojego listu, z góry dziękuje. Jeżeli ktoś wpadnie jeszcze na jakieś pytanie, albo zdanie to było by to mile widziane :-) . Chodzi tu o list w sprawie obozu językowego połączonego z pracą.

Dear Sir/ Madam
I read your advertisment in the local newspaper, and I would like to participate in your language camp.
My name is XYZ , I`m seventy years old. I live, and study in Radom, in Poland. I have got someexerience with job. I was a group leader on computer camp.
I have some queststions about your language camp. How long will the camp last? What kaind of job do you offer? How many hours during the day students will work?
I`m looking for job in Great Britain during the holidays. I would like to improve my englishch, and gain work experience.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully
Czy mógłby ktoś mi to sprawdzić bo trochę mi się spieszy?
Dear Sir/ Madam,
>I read your advertisment in the 'local' (podaj gdzie to jest) newspaper, and I would like to participate in your language camp.
I`m 'seventy' (70? w takim wieku?) years old.
I've got some exPerience 'with' IN 'job' (ale jaki job?, daj tutaj 'similar position)). I was a group leader on A computer camp (gdzie i kiedy?).
I have some 'queststions' (ortog) about your language camp.
What 'kaind' (ortog) of jobS do you offer? How many hours during the
day 'students will work' WILL STUDENTS WORK - ?
I`m looking for A job in Great Britain during the holidays. I would like
to improve my 'englishch' (ortog), and gain work experience.