
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Tata nie ma czasu, a ja potrzebuje sprawdzenia. Moglby mi ktos pomoc? Tim.

1. In this picture there are a lot of strong lines and layers. There is also a huge contrast between a dark door and a white wall. I think it’s a bit too dark but it’s still my favourite one.

2. This photo could have been very good if it had had more contrast. All layers have the same colour and consequently it doesn’t look interesting.

3. I like this picture because stairs give the effect of deep space. The next merit is a big number of elements in the photo. The only weak point is that you can’t see any text because the photo was taken at wrong angle.

4. I don’t think it is really a good photo. It’s very dark so you can’t see much in it, but there are still distinct lines and layers – the most important part of it.

5. I think this is one of the most colourful of my photos. There is a contrast between black and white in the centre, which attracts the eye. The photo was taken at interesting angle.

6. This photo is one of the worst. Composition is not impressive, background is monotonous and too dark. It doesn’t have many layers and lines.
1. ok
2. ok
3. I like this picture because THE stairs give the effect of deep space.
The only weak point is that you can't see any text because the photo was taken at THE wrong angle.
4. ok
5. The photo was taken at AN interesting angle.
6. THE composition is not impressive, THE background is monotonous and too dark.
Sam to robilem. Potrzebuje tylko sprawdzenia bledow czy nie zrobilem.
Thank you terri.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie