Plusy i minusy bycia jedynakiem

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam . Chciałbym aby mi ktoś sprawdził to co napisałem i napisał na jakim to jest poziomie (taka mini recenzja ) bo docelowo ma to być dłuższa forma na mature rozszerzoną . Temat to plusy i minusy bycia jedynakiem . Z góry dzięki za pomoc ;)

Childhood is a part of life connected with our best memories . Although kids and later adult people who grew up without sibling have rather different memories and sometimes characters than people with sibling.The main reason of these differences is upbringing of children by parents .As everything in our live it has as many cons as pros ,
At first only child has usually more toys , clothes and generally stuff than other children , because maintenance of one kid is much more cheaper than two or three . The other thing is fact that it is very common that parents treat only child as a gift of God and they are spending with child more time than parents with several children .
In spite of these positive aspects upbringing of only child has some dark sides . These kids are often spoiled . They have everything for themselves and they can't share with other . That is why they are sometimes not liked by thier colleagues especially at the beginning of education . Second minus of being an only child is fact that most parents have much more higher expectations to these children . They want them to learn better , behave good . When only child is teenager he can't have fun on parties as often as his mates because parents are worried about him .
Summarizing , contrary to apperance being an only child has except many good things , also some bad sides . Parents should find a right balance in upbringing of children .
Nie mam czasu się teraz zajmować poprawianiem tego, ale powymądrzam się na temat tego CO napisałeś (nie jak).

Ja mam jedynaka i nic z tego co napisałeś nie jest prawdą. Mam też rodzeństwo i większość z tego co napisałeś jest prawdą.

Konkluzja: napisz tę rozprawkę z punktu widzenia dziecka a nie rodziców, bo Ci wyszedł stek bzdurnych stereotypów.
Z całym szacunkiem dla Evy, ale to nie jest referat, tylko rozprawka. Wyrażasz swoje poglądy, opinie i osobiste refleksje na temat. Absolutnie nie muszą to być prawdziwe informacje, tylko Twoje własne spojrzenie oraz domniemania. Powiedziałbym nawet, że to właśnie polega na takim 'laniu wody', jak to się teraz mówi. Najważniejsze, żeby było napisane poprawnie i gramatycznie, i z sensem... bo nie można też przesadzać.
własnie powiedziano mi ze na maturze rozszerzonej nie wolno zapisywac osobistych refleksji tylko jakies suche fakty , stereotytpy itp dlatego to wygląda jak wygląda . Sam jestem jedynakiem i mam kompletnie inną opinie na ten temat nie mniej jednak matura to matura i liczą sie punkty . Pozostaje pytanie czy są w tej pracy jakieś błedy gramatyczne / językowe .
That is why they are
>sometimes not liked by theIr cLASSMATES especially at the beginning of

NEXT DISADVANTAGE of being an only child is ...
When AN only child is A teenager
Childhood 'is' (ja tutaj dodalabym, ze to 'ma byc' ale de facto nie zawsze jest...mozna supposed to be) a part of life connected with our best memories . Although 'kids' (nie lubie tego slowa, tutaj 'children') and later 'adult people' ADULTS who grew up without A sibling have rather different memories 'and' (zle slowo tutaj, miales na mysli napisac THAN sometimes 'characters' (slowo calkowicie nie pasuje-poszukaj inne) than people with siblingS. The main reason 'of' FOR these differences is THE upbringing of children by parents. As everything in our 'live' (tutaj masz czasownik, a miales na mysli rzeczownik LIFE) it has as many 'cons as pros' (ja woler advantagesd and disadvantages) ,
At first AN only child has usually more toys, clothes and generally 'stuff' (a co to jest ten 'stuff' at best, kolokw) than other children, because maintenance of one 'kid' CHILD is much more cheaper than two or three. The other thing is THE fact that it is very common that parents treat AN only child as a gift 'of' FROM God and they 'are spending' SPEND 'with child more time' (zla kol slow...more time with one child) than parents with several children.
In spite of these positive aspects upbringing of AN only child has some 'dark' (lepsze slowo byloby 'hidden') sides. These 'kids' CHILDREN are often spoiled . They have everything for themselves and they 'can't' (zle slowo tutaj, co miales na mysli, to jest to, ze one nie sa nauczone-popraw) TO share with other CHILDREN. That is why they are sometimes not liked by 'thier' (ortog) colleagues especially at 'the beginning' (zmien the time when they begin their) 'of' (niepotr) education . THE second minus of being an only child is THE fact that most parents have much more higher expectations 'to' OF these children . They want them to learn better, behave 'good' (zle slowo, at best kolokw- BETTER) . When AN only child is A teenager he 'can't'(zmien slowo) have fun 'on' (kalka z polskiego 'na' w ang., AT) parties as often as his mates because parents are worried about him.(no i co z tego- tutaj musisz dokonczyc, ze oni oczekuje jego w domu wczesniej)
Summarizing, contrary to 'apperance' (ortog i tutaj w l. mnogiej) being an only child 'has except' (po jakiemu to? zla kol slow - except having) many good things, also HAS some bad sides . Parents should find a right balance (tutaj cos brakuje, jaki balance?) in THE upbringing of children.
dzięki serdeczne za poprawe :) Widzę że mnie jeszcze dużo pracy czeka aby pisać dobre rozprawki ;P Bez pracy nie ma kołaczy ;P
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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