proszę o sprawdzenie listu oficjalnego

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam napisac list oficjalny- zareklamować jakieś urządzenie, opisać co jest z nim nie tak i zagrozić, że jeśli mi niewymienią lub nie nareperują napisze do gazety. Z góry dziękuję temu, kto sprawdzi, mam to na jutro, please!! ;*
17 October 2009

Media Markt
St. Zana 31
Lublin 20-601

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain digital camera DSCh10, which I bought on reduction price in Media Markt shop on 15th July 2009.
The digital camera often turn off, when I want to take photos or make a movie. Last, when I want turn on it, digital camera no included in. I bought it to take a photo but this not worked.
Therefore, I give it with receipt and I would be grateful if you could repair or give me a new one. Please answer quickly. If you do nothing I write to newspaper about my problem. And it maybe break reputation about you and yours company.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully
Janina Nowak
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain digital camera DSCh10, which I bought on reduction price in Media Markt shop on 15th July 2009.
The digital camera often turn off, when I want to take photos or make a movie. Last, when I want turn on it, digital camera no included in. I bought it to take a photo but this not worked.
Therefore, I give it - ZAMIAST "GIVE" UZYJ INNEGO WYRAZU "ZWRACAC" with receipt and I would be grateful if you could repair or give - ZMIEN NA "WYMIENIĆ" me a new one. Please answer quickly - TO ZMIENIĆ ZDECYDOWANIE, MUSI BYC GRZECZNIEJ. If you do nothing I write to newspaper about my problem - GROZISZ IM, NIE WIEDZĄC JAKA BĘDZIE ICH REAKCJA? NAPISZ ŻE JESLI NIE ROZPATRZA TWOJEJ PROSBY POZYTYWNIE TO BĘDZIESZ ZMUSZONA NAŚWIETLIĆ PROBLEM W GAZECIE. And it maybe break reputation about you and yours company. - CO W EFEKCIE MOŻE ZASZKODZIĆ KONTRAHENTOWI.

I look forward to hearing from you.
17th October 2009

Media Markt
St. Zana 31
Lublin 20-601

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain digital camera DSCh10, which I bought on reduction price in Media Markt shop on 15th July 2009.
The digital camera often turn off, when I want to take photos or make a movie. Last, when I want turn on it, digital camera no included in. I bought it to take a photo but this not worked.
Therefore, I turn it with receipt and I would be grateful if you could repair or exchange me a new one. Please answer quickly. If you do not seen my request positively, I had to write to newspaper. And it maybe break reputation about you and yours company.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully.
Janina Nowak

Troche poprawiłam, to co mówił-as/es
Czy tak może być, a jak nie to prosze powiedz co mam źle tak dokładnie, to jeszcze poprawaie. Dzięki
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain ABOUT THE digital camera DSCh10, which I bought AT A SPECIAL (reduction) price in Media Markt (shop) CHAIN STORE, 15th July 2009.
The digital camera often turn(S) off when I want to take photos or make a movie. (Last) RECENTLY, when I wantED TO turn IT on, THE digital camera (no included in) - NIE ROZUMIEM? CZEGO NIE ZAWIERAŁA? TAKIEJ OPCJI?. I HAVE bought it to take a photo but IT DOES not work PROPERLY.
Therefore, I WOULD LIKE TO REturn it with THE receipt and I would be grateful if you could repair or exchange THE DAMAGED CAMERA FOR a new one. (Please answer quickly)I HOPE YOU INVESTIGATE MY COMPLAINT AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. NEVERTHELESS If you DECIDE TO TAKE A NEGATIVE STANCE ON MY REQUEST, I WILL FEEL OBLIGED TO write to A newspaper. (And it maybe break reputation about you and yours company) - tego bym nie pisała.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully
Janina Nowak
Przepraszam , ale komp zmienia mi na małe litery. sorki. Zmień sobie na duże zgodnie z interpunkcją.
Dzięki Ci bardzo za poprawe, wiem, że nie najlepiej pisze, bo mam duże zaległości w angielskim, bo przez ostatnie 3 lata byłam chora i nie miałam jak się uczyć. Pozdrawiam.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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