Sprawdzenie e

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hi Peter,

How are you? I am writing to tell you about my summer holiday. I am attending a summer language course in Nottingham. I am staying with a host family. My room-mate is a student from France. We have a big room with views of the sea. Bill is 20 years old. His nationality is French. He is in one's first year at university. He studies journalism at the Paris University. Bill belongs to a jazz band. He plays the guitar. Bill really interest in football. He supports Cheelsa. Bill is musical, talkative and clever. He likes laugh, always when I meet with he, we always laugh. Bill is hard-working and helpful. Always I something don't know, he helps me. We going often to the beach. It's great.
Ok, I'm finish I cannot waint until, when you meet to tell you about everything.

Treść zadania była taka:
You are attending a summer language course in Nottingham and you are staying with a host family. Your room-mate is a student from France. Write an email to your cousin from Canada about your new friend.


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