Opowiadanie niecodziennej historii

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie/poprawę.

That day director wasn't at work, he is only one man in our office. At 11 o'clock I had breakfast with my workmates in the kitchen.
We tolked and joked as ever then suddenly something big and black was flying of the cupboard. We ran away from kitchen, raved hysterically and closed the door.
My friend said “It's swallow, I will acquit the birdie.” She opened door, entered and.... she stormed out. Something black
flew her. Unfortunately it wasn't a bird, but a bat. We closed it in the corridor later we called the fire service. Fireman said “it's trivial incident, we can't arrive”.
We were helpless. :( The bat run away from corridor and was flying between us. My friend came downstairs, a bat followed her. There were two man, a bat was scared and escaped outside.
Co to z tym 'the' - dlaczego nikt nie lubie tego uzywac ;-)

That day THE director wasn't at work, he is THE only one man in our office.
We 'tolked' (ortog) and joked as ever then suddenly something big and black 'was
flying' FLEW OUT of the cupboard. We ran away from THE kitchen, 'raved' (zle slowo-popraw) hysterically and closed the door.
My friend said “It's A swallow, I will 'acquit the birdie' (tego to nawet nie rozumiem)." She opened THE door, entered and.... she stormed out. Something black flew AT her.
We 'closed' (moze lepsze slowo to TRAPPED it in the corridor later we called the fire service. THE fireman said “it's trivial incident, we can't 'arrive' COME".
The bat 'run' RAN away from corridor and was flying between us. My friend came downstairs, 'a' (tutaj THE-mowisz o konkretnym) bat followed her. There were
'two man' (ale 'man' to l. poj - a jak juz piszesz 'two' to oczekuje l. mnoga), 'a' THE bat was scared OFF and escaped outside.
Dziękuje bardzo, a czy zdanie 2 musiało być usunięte oraz czy 5 jest poprawne?

1. That day the director wasn't at work, he is the only one man in our office.
2. At 11 o’clock I had breakfast with my workmates in the kitchen.
3. We talked and joked as ever then suddenly something big and black flew out of the cupboard.
4. We ran away from the kitchen, screamed hysterically and closed the door.
5. We were scared all the time, and we didn't know what we should do.
6.My friend said “It's A swallow, I will free the birdie.
7.She opened the door, entered and.... she stormed out.
8.Something black flew at her.
9. It was the bat.
10.We trapped it in the corridor later we called the fire service.
11. The fireman said “it's trivial incident, we can't come".
12. The bat ran away from corridor and was flying between us.
13.My friend came downstairs, the bat followed her.
14.There were two mans the bat was scared off and escaped outside.
zdania ktore sa poprawnie napisane nie poprawiam, ale dalej powinny byc napisane.
6.My friend said “It's A swallow, I will free the 'birdie' (birdie to jest expression uzywana w golfie tutaj mozna 'bird')
9. It was 'the' A bat.
10.We trapped it in the corridor AND later we called the fire service
14.There were two 'mans' (co to za slowo, przeciez dobrze wiesz, ze l. mn od 'man' to MEN) (nie napisalas gdzie-brakuje) the bat was scared off and escaped outside.
Reszta ok
Krzysztof i Maria (która odpowiadała tą historię)


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