Sprawdzenie opowiadania pilne

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opowiadanie lost and found
It was cold and rainy Friday, Beth was sitting on the train and trying to not fall asleep. She didn't want to miss station in Torquay, but she was tired. She opened a book and started to read. "Maybe it will help me to stay focus"- she whispered to herself. Then Beth felt that she is passing out. She tried to fight with tiredness, but trains clattering was making it impossible. Her head drooped.
Beth woke up with terrible headache. It was dark and she couldn't see anything. She started to groping for her bag. It was lying on the ground. She tooke out a flashlight and turned it on. In torchs light compartment looked horrifyingly. She looked around amd noticed taht her favourite book disappeared. She started to scrabbling around. She didn't know why but she was looking for it(jakby zależało od tego jej życie) like it would save her life. Beth was feeling confused. Then something grasped her leg. At this moment she noticed that her book is lying under her seat. She cauht it and whispered " I found it". Something released her.
Beth woke up in her compartment, lying on the ground. She sighed with relief and smiled- "It was only a dream". She looked at book, it was titled "Murder on the Orient Express".
Mam nadzieję, że nie jest aż tak złe. Jestem raczej noga z angielskiego- jeżeli chodzi o pisanie.
It was A cold and rainy Friday, Beth was sitting on the train and trying
'to not' NOT TO fall asleep. She didn't want to miss 'station in Torquay' 9nie, mowimy inaczej...Torquay station'), but she was tired.
"Maybe it will help me to stay focusED "- she whispered to herself. Then Beth felt that she 'is' WAS passing out. She tried to fight with tiredness, but THE 'trains' TRAIN clattering was making it impossible.
Beth woke up with A terrible headache.
She started 'to' (niepotr) groping for her bag.
She 'tooke' TOOK out a flashlight and turned it on. In 'torchs light' (nie, nie tak...in the light of the torch) THE compartment looked horrifyingly (ale horrifyingly WHAT? brakuje rzeczownika). She looked around 'amd' (ortog) noticed 'taht' (ortog) her favourite book HAD disappeared. She started 'to' (niepotr) scrabbling around. She didn't know why but she was looking for it 'like it would save her life' (nie, napisz to inaczej...as if her life depended on it).
At 'this' THAT moment she noticed that her book 'is' WAS lying under her seat. She 'cauht' (ortog) it and whispered " I found it".
'Something released her' (nie, napisz to inaczej...Something inside her released the tension).
She looked at THE book, it was ENtitled "Murder on the Orient Express".
dzięki :)


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