Prosze o poprawienie błędów w liście

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o poprawienie bledow...;)

Dear Aunty Rose
Thank you very much for your letter. Sorry I haven't written so long but I was very busy. I have to learn in school. I would like to Christmas and will have some days off from school.
My school organize language camp in London at winter holiday on week. I really would like to go London too.
In Poland is so cold and wet.
I saw Amanda's photos on her website an Brian's photos.
I will finish because I must learn. Please give my love to uncle John, Melissa and Jordan.

with love from Monika
Sorry I haven't written IN so long but I was very busy. I have to STUDY HARD in school. I would like to (cos to brakuje) Christmas and will have some days off from school.
My school organize (zly czas) A (one-week?)language camp in London DURING THE winter holiday . I really would like to go London too.
In Poland IT is so cold and wet.
I saw Amanda's photos on her website anD Brian's photos.
I will finish because I must
Dzięki wielkie ;))


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie