Proszę o sprawdzenie ; )

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Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie ; ) .

How did I spend Christmas ?

On Christmas Eve morning I decorated Christmas tree and packed presents for my family. In the evening I went to my Grandmother's house. There were all my family. We pray together. Then we shared the Christmas wafer and wished all the best to each other. After that all family ate Christmas supper. There were 12 dishes on the table. When we finished eating , we sang Christmas carols. Then children unpacked presents. After that we went to midnight mass. Next day we had special dinner. I played with kids and went with them for a walk. Next day I met my friends. We spent all day in my house and talked , listened to music or watched TV. Christmas is really awesome time.
Nikt nie pomoże ? ; (
Chciałabym pomóc, ale niestety nie potrafię ;D Sama mam podobną prośbę. Nie chciałabym zakładac nowego tematu więc piszę tutaj. Napisałam wypracowanie (nie długie) i potrzebuję życzliwej osoby, która mogłaby pomóc mi poprawić błędy. Moje [gg]
Naprawdę bardzo prosiłabym o pomoc.
bardziej prawdopodobne jest, ze dostaniesz pomoc na forum, niz ze ktos ci na gg bedzie pisal.
Prooszę o pomoc ! ; ) Muszę to zanieść na jutro do szkoły , a nie wiem czy jest poprawnie ;) .
On Christmas Eve morning I decorated THE Christmas tree and packed presents for my family. In the evening, I went to my Grandmother's house. My ENTIRE family WAS there. We prayED together, then we shared the Christmas wafer and wished EACH OTHER all the best . After that, THE (WHOLE) family ate Christmas supper. There were 12 dishes on the table. When we finished eating , we sang Christmas carols. Then, THE children unpacked presents. After that, we went to midnight mass. THE Next day, we had A special dinner. I played with THE kids and went with them for a walk. THE FOLLOWING day I met my friends. We spent THE ENTIRE day in my house and talked , listened to music or watched TV. Christmas is A really awesome time.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

