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One of my favorite shopping center is Gold Terraces in Warsaw.It is situated in the city center.This shopping center is very big ,there are a lot of shops.There can buy really everything! There are stores such as Croop- a shop selling clothes , Apart -the jewelry store, Douglas -cosmetics store, Empik -the store CDs, newspapers, cups and many other interesting shops.I like to be there because here there are my three favorite places:ice rink, McDonald's and KFC(I love fast food!) and cinema.If you are hungry you can go to a restaurant if you want to watch a good movie, you can go to the cinema, if you want to have fun, you can go to the ice rink. Good fun with good music!

I like going to “Gold Terraces" because there is very pleasant climate. I think that it is incredibly place, where everybody can buy something useful things and spend a nice time with friends and family.It is a pity that I live too far away, because I could be there all day long.
I like going to “Gold Terraces" because there is very pleasant climate. I think that it is incredibly place, where everybody can buy something useful things and spend a nice time with friends and family.It is a pity that I live too far away, because I could be there all day long.


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