The main characteristics of modern societies - project

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Chciałbym bardzo prosić o sprawdzenie poniższego tekstu. Dotyczy on pewnego projektu internetowego, a wybrane, opisane cechy społeczeństw nowoczesnych mają służyć za argumenty przemawiające za jego wprowadzeniem.

The main characteristics of modern societies with which the project corresponds:

Information – the most valuable cultural activity, distributed through IT. We have become Information Society with the information as one of the most significant accelerator of our social, cultural and economical development.

Visualisation – the sight is the most important and dominant sense in modern society. The development of contemporary visual technology reflects the above. Data visualisation comes into prominence.

Social relations – undoubtedly the crucial drive of human activity, both means and purpose itself. The popularity of social networking services acts as a proof that even technology becomes inferior to the prevailing need of interactions among people.

Globalization – in terms of socio-cultural integration, is reflected by existence of online/virtual community which needs an easily accessible platform to take part in membership ritual.
Information – the most valuable cultural activity, distributed through IT.
We have become (brsak przedimka) Information Society with the information as one of the most significant accelerator of our social, cultural and economical development.

Social relations – undoubtedly the crucial drive of human activity, 'both means and purpose itself.' (tego nie rozumiem). The popularity of social networking services acts as 'a' (niepotr) proof that even technology becomes inferior to the prevailing need of interactions among people.

Globalization – in terms of socio-cultural integration, is reflected by existence of online/virtual community which needs an easily accessible platform to take part in (przedimek) membership ritual.
Po mojej poprawie:

- We have become THE Information Society;

- take part in membership ritualS. - nie wiem czy słusznie, ale wydaje mi się, że liczba mnoga brzmi tutaj lepiej.


- 'both means and purpose itself.' - tutaj miałem na myśli 'zarówno środkiem jak i celem w samym sobie'.

- 'both ... and ...' - chyba w porządku,
- 'means' - jako środek w znaczeniu sposób - nie znajduję lepszego odpowiednika,
- 'purpose' - jak wyżej,
- 'itself' - chyba tutaj leży problem :)

Znalazłem 3 opcje:
1. in itself - e.g. 'And fence line was amazing in itself.' - w znaczeniu 'w swojej naturze'?
2. 'on its own' - e.g. 'Is obesity, on its own' a disease?' - w znaczeniu 'odrębnie'?
3. 'itself' - e.g. 'The object itself just means nothing.' - nie widze różnicy z opcją 1.

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