How does the work of a professional sportsperson differ from that of an office worker?

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It is a commonly held opinion that there are quite a few differences between working in an office and working as a sportsperson. Firstly, the majority of the times people who work in an office have a stable salary, sometimes with some kind of a bonus. While a sportsperson probably will not have a stable salary due to events one is taking part in and how much they win, also it depends on their deals with various marks. Second difference is that an office worker can retire only when one is around 60 years old, the exact retirement age is different depends on the country one is living in. Whereas a sportsman or woman is going to retire when one will be around 30/40 years old, it is due to the fact that their body reached its peak and they are mostly over the hill. The last but not the least difference, the preparation that an office worker has to do is more of a paper work or some research. On the other hand a sportsperson has to do a lot of physical training almost everyday. To sum up, both jobs, an office worker and a sportsperson have differs from each other on a different fields, starting from salary and ending on a preparation.

danke schon in advance ;')
While a sportsperson probably will not have a stable salary due to events one 'is taking' (ja tutaj dalabym 'takes') part in and how much they win, 'also it' (nie, zamien slowa, najpierw 'it' a pozniej 'also') depends on their deals with various 'marks' (nie, bo nie masz tego na mysli, ty myslisz o 'brands'). THE second difference is that an office worker can retire only when 'one' (przeczytalam to uwaznie, i mysle, ze lepiej byloby uzyc 'they'' i wtedy 'are') is around 60 years old, the exact retirement age is different 'depends' (nie, tutaj 'depending') on the country one is living in. Whereas a sportsman or woman is going to retire when 'one' (moze lepiej rozwaz uzywania 'they') will be around 30/40 years old, 'it' (this) is due to the fact that their body (tutaj brakuje pare slow, 'has' mozna tez dodac 'already') reached its peak and they are mostly 'over the hill' (to jest bardzo kolokw.). The last (przecinek) but not the least difference, (dodaj tutaj 'is that') the preparation that an office worker has to do is more of 'a' (niepotr) 'paper work' (razem) or some research.
To sum up, both jobs, an office worker and a sportsperson 'have' (niepotr) 'differs' (nie, tutaj 'differ') from each other on 'a' (niepotr, bo to jest przed 'fields' l. mn) different fields, starting 'from' (tutaj dalabym 'with') salary and ending 'on a' (nie, tutaj 'with') preparation.
Nie rozumiem co marks / brands robi w tym tekście !-)
edytowany przez Aaric: 30 sty 2019
Niekiedy sportowcy reklamuja 'brands' na swoich ubraniach i za to dostaja pieniadze.
chodzi o firmy z którymi sportowcy mają kontrakty
Team players like NBA, CFL itp maja kontrakty z organizacją.
inni, np swimmers, ski jumpers itp mają kontracty z sponsorami (firmami)
Osobiście, ja bym ujął 'professional athletes'
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