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tak jak w temacie prosze o skrócenie tekstu aby pozostał w nim sens.Z gory thx

The night was dark and full of stars. It was cold and the fields surrounding the village were white with snow. Sad silence was everywhere, you could feel the sadness in your bones, as if dead had decided to rise… In the small house in the middle of dark wood, just couple kilometers from the village, an old man was sitting by the fire, very timid and sad, when, lifting his eyes to the window opposite, he saw a strange lady coming up the garden. When she reached the house, he opened the doors, than make a gesture and said: “Ms. Aden I presume?” – an intense, unremitting cold was striking from the outside so that the fire began to flicker – “I didn’t expect you so quickly, actually…I didn’t expect you at all…Please, come in…”

“Thank you” – said young lady faintly and took her jacket off as soon as he closed the door. “I wonder If I could ask…What do you call me for Mr. Henchard?” –The old man looked at her indifferently, finally pointed at the small safe. He didn’t said a word, just pours himself a cup of tea and sit down. “I can’t believe police are interested in my problem and eventually sent someone to help me… “ – he finally approach to the little safe, opened it and took small thing folded up in a paper. He unpacked it. In spite of the dark she could distinctly see what it was, however she couldn’t still believe her eyes…it was a ruby. “So beautiful, isn’t it…?” – whispered the old man. In one moment she became elated and agog so that she couldn’t speak.

“What a relief that you are here…Many times someone has tried to kill me just to get it…” – said old man with a fear in his voice still holding the carbuncle.
“I hate it although I love it…I still keep it despite it brings me only fright and apprehension…
Now I know I can’t hold it so I need your help“
“I’ll try Mr. Henchard, I’ll try” – she took a gun, shoot and vanished with the bundle.
No one saw her…no one heard her… The night was dark…as he feared it would be ….
Basically, you need to summarize this text. To summarize it, determine what the main idea of each paragraph is, and then restate it using your own words. When you are done, you can paste your summary here, and I'm sure there will be at least one good soul who will check it for you.


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