you czy You

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tak z ciekawosci, w polskim formy: 'Twoj' 'Ty' 'Ciebie' sa czesto uzywane jako formy grzecznosciowe, czy jako mily zwrot zwracania sie do kogos :)
...a czy w angielskim uzywa sie jeszcze 'You' Your' ... ?
Jedyne co to przychodzi mi na mysl zakonczenie listu 'Yours', albo 'Your X', ale 'You' chyba wyglada komicznie. Zgadzacie sie?
troche pytania nie rozumiem. ale jak juz you to z malej litery:)
Zawsze z malej litery. Z wyjatkiem na koncu listu (bo to poczatek zdania :)
No ale za to I piszemy wielką literą :)
Well, of course! "I" is the most important. Who cares what some "you" thinks or feels.
A właśnie! Dlaczego "I" zawsze pisze się wielką literą?
The answer is buried in a history of the English language text—Pyles and Algeo, Origins and Development of the English Language, 4th ed., p. 187:

"I" came to be capitalized, not through any egotism, but only because lower-case i standing alone was likely to be overlooked, since it is the most insignificant of the letters of the alphabet.

This is found in the chapter on modern English to 1800, meaning in the period from 1500 to 1800. Thus, I take this to mean that the capitalization of I for the personal pronoun was a printer's invention during the early part of this period. I do know that in manuscripts from the Old and Middle English period, the forms were "ic" (OE) and "ich" (ME) and were never capitalized in script.

— discovered by
Dale W. Simpson
Professor of English
Missouri Southern State College
Joplin, Missouri

"Origins and Development of the English Language" by Pyles and Algeo
4th edition, p. 187:

"I" came to be capitalized, not through any egotism, but only because lower-case "i" standing alone was likely to be overlooked, since it is the most insignificant of the letters of the alphabet.

This is
ekstra wpisy!

ciekawa historia z tym 'I', a wiele osob przyjmuje aksjomatycznie duza litere ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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