Help with the Story

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I'm sure there are some grammar mistakes and some sentences should be chnaged. I'll be glad if someone help me to correct it. Thanks in advance.
Last summer Me and some of my friends decided to visit my uncle in Columbia, he has plantation with strange plant growing on. Everybody was curious what is that mysterious plant. Two days later everybody was up for it, so we get on the airport and after briefing we flew out for our unforgettable voyage. In the plane was really boring everybody was listening to the music and so, until it happened... Suddenly terrorists snaffle up the plane, They was killing people who didn't listen 'em or scream so everybody went silent. Except one boy who tried to say something... They shot him, then his friend just said "OMG They killed Kenny!". Everything calmed down and these rogues started to negotiate . After successful couple hours of talking with president of USA they decided to land on the closest derelict airport. Meanwhile Counter Terrorists started their rescue action and take the plane from the terrorists hands. Just some minutes later bad luck strikes again! Capitan of the plane was terrorist force member. He shouted via intercom "Allah Akbar!" and we crashed. Unfortunately for him nobody died cause of this. After this scary adventure, my Uncle told me as we need to chill out and he gave me weeds made from his mystery plant. We smoked them, It was strange feeling after it - nice at all, and everyone was chilled as hell. We spent wonderful time there, after all we wanted to take 2 kilos dehydrated forage of that nice plant with us. We were caught by the police and our penalty is 2 years deprivation of liberty for "drug smuggling". Still I think what does it in prison.

Last summer 'Me' (tutaj daj 'I') and some of my friends decided to visit my uncle in Columbia, he has (brak przedimka) plantation with strange 'plant' (tylko jedna?) growing 'on' (nie rozumiem tego 'on' tutaj) . Everybody was curious AS TO what 'is' (was) that mysterious plant. Two days later everybody was up for it, so we 'get on the airport' (pomysl - to jest kolokw) and after (brak przedimka) briefing we flew out for our unforgettable 'voyage' (voyage genealnie jest 'at sea' tutaj 'journey'). In the plane IT was really boring, everybody was listening to the music 'and so' (tego nie rozumiem) , until it happened... Suddenly terrorists 'snaffle up' (nie rozumiem ale i czas przzeszly) the plane, 'They was' (ale przeciez wiesz dobrze ze 'they' to jest l. mn - dostosuj czasownik do tego) killing people who didn't listen' 'em' (co to niby ma byc - pisz wyrazy a nie jakies smsowanie) or scream so everybody went silent. Except FOR one boy who tried to say something... They shot him, then his friend just said "'OMG' (czy ludzie naprawde tak mowia, 'omg' (znowu na szybko, pisz dokladniej) They killed Kenny!".
After (a gdzie przedimek?) successful couple (brak slowa) hours of talking with (brak przedimka) President of (brak przedimka) USA they decided to land (ale co? musisz napisac) 'on' AT the closest derelict airport. Meanwhile, (brak przedimka) Counter Terrorists started their rescue action and 'take' (czas przeszly) the plane from the terrorists' hands. Just some minutes later bad luck 'strikes' (czas przeszly) again! (brak przedimka) 'Capitan' (ORTOG) of the plane was (brak przdimka) terrorist force member. He shouted via (brak przedimka) intercom "Allah Akbar!" and we crashed. Unfortunately for him nobody died 'cause' (slowo'cause' tutaj calkowicie nie pasuje - jak ty w ogole myslisz?) of this. After this scary adventure, my Uncle told me 'as' (zle slowo) we need to chill out and he gave me (brak slowa) weeds made from his mystery plant.
'It' THERE was (brak przedimka) strange feeling after it - nice 'at all' (nie rozumiem) , and everyone was chilled as hell. We spent (brak przedimka) wonderful time there, 'after all' (nie, to jest zle) 'we wanted to take' (zly czas) 2 kilos OF (brak przedimka) dehydrated forage of that nice plant with us. We were caught by the police and our penalty is 2 years deprivation of (brak slowa) liberty for "drug smuggling". Still I think 'what does it mean' (co to znaczy? to jest kalka z polskiego) in prison.

Dlaczego masz taka straszna awersje do uzywanie przedimkow (a, an, the) - bez tego zdania sa niegram. Nie wiem jak was ucza, ale teraz przypuszczam, ze albo nie masz zdolnosci do sluchania, albo nauczyciele sami nie wiedza jak tego uczyc.
Co do przedimków, to się zgodzę, że mam z tym problem. Większość błędów wychwyciłbym sam gdyby nie późna godzina, i to że nie byłem do końca trzeźwy. Jednak dziękuje bardzo za pomoc:)
Aha, to ma byc jakies wytlumaczenie, bo nikt inny nie jest zmeczony do padniecia....
I drugi raz nie pisz nic jak cos wypiles.
No racja nie powinienem, przepraszam, że dalej zawracam tyłek. Ale to tekst po korektach(pewnie coś pokręciłem, z przedimkami, przerobie jakieś lekcje i ćwiczenia online żeby to poprawić), jednak reszta byłaby ok?:
Last summer I and some of my friends decided to visit my uncle in Columbia, he has a plantation with strange plants . Everybody was curious as to what was that mysterious plant. Two days later everybody was up for it, so we get to the airport and after the briefing we flew out for our unforgettable journey. In the plane it was really boring, everybody was listening to the music or just enjoing their free time, until it happened... Suddenly terrorists snaffled up the plane,They were killing people who didn't listen them or scream so everybody went silent. Except for one boy who tried to say something... They shot him, then his friend just said "Oh My God! They killed Kenny!".
After the successful couple of hours of talking with the President of the USA they decided to land the plane at the closest derelict airport. Meanwhile,the Counter Terrorists started their rescue action and took the plane from the terrorists' hands. Just some minutes later bad luck striked again! The Capitan of the plane was a terrorist force member. He shouted via an intercom "Allah Akbar!" and we crashed. Unfortunately for him nobody died because of this. After this scary adventure, my Uncle told me that we need to chill out and he gave me the weeds made from his mystery plant.
There was strange feeling after it. That was nice at all, and everyone was chilled as hell. We spent a wonderful time there. We were going to take 2 kilos of a dehydrated forage of that nice plant with us. We were caught by the police and our penalty is 2 years deprivation of the liberty for "drug smuggling". Still I think 'what does it mean' (tu mam, problem, po prostu chcialem napisac coś w sylu "Ciągle zastanawiam się o co im chodziło...tutaj w więzieniu, wydaje mi się że what they meant byłoby ok?) in prison.