Proszę o sprawdzenie artykułu

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Witam, bardzo proszę o poprawę mojego artykułu jest o wprowadzeniu zakazu używania telefonów komórkowych w szkole. Z góry dziękuję za pomoc. :)

Nowadays, we just cannot imagine life without technology. School authorities want to introduce the new rule. We the students need to debate this idea. Personally, I think there are more important things to do in our society than do not let us to use mobile phones in school.

Last week we organised a meeting with headmaster and other teachers and asked them to present their attitude to the topic. As they said prohibition of using mobile phones will help making better relationship between us and also allow us to be more focus on studying. Other great benefit is that students who don’t have money for the newest really expensive phones don’t be ashamed and alienated. Majority of students tried to reject this issue by saying that it is humiliating for them and it is impossible to live without phone.

Let me to extend my opinion in this case. I am absolutely convinced that mobile phone can be helpful even in school. I know a lot of apps which are very useful for example calendar, notebook, multimedia dictionary and so on and so forth. Sometimes we just need to call or send message to somebody from school. It is widely believed that school should make life easier rather than harder.

The truth is that this really controversial and tough decision can change our school in very big way. If the prohibition became fact students would like to be unhappy because of this agreement. So the discussion is open…
Nowadays, 'we' (nie uzywaj slowa 'we' bo to znaczy, ze wlaczasz mnie w to stwierdzenie, a ja tak nie mysle) just cannot imagine life without technology. School authorities want to introduce 'the' (zly przedimek) new rule. We the students need to debate 'this idea' (ale ja nie wiem o co chodxi, jaka rule? jaka idea?). Personally, I think there are more important things to do in our society than TO 'do not let us to' (za bardzo maslo0 maslane jak dla mnie -) use mobile phones in school.

Last week we organised a meeting with (przedimek) headmaster and other teachers and asked them to present their attitude to the topic. As they said prohibition of using mobile phones will help 'making' (zle slowo) (przedimek) better relationship between 'us' (to znaczy kogo? samych uczniow?) and also allow us to be more 'focus' (zly czas) on studying. (przedimek) other great benefit is that students who don’t have money for the newest really expensive phones 'don’t' (to jest kolokw w najgorszej sferze, napisz to po ang - a nie tak jak ludzie mowia gdzies tam na ulicy) be ashamed and (cos brak) alienated. (przedimek) majority of students tried to reject this issue by saying that it is humiliating for them (niby dlaczego? podaj argument)and it is impossible to live without (przedimek) phone.

Let me 'to' (niepotr) extend my opinion in this case. I am absolutely convinced that (przedimek) mobile phone can be helpful even in school. I know a lot of 'apps' (nie rozumiem tego slowa - napisz to w calosci, nie wszyscy mamy 15 lat) which are very useful for example (przedimek) calendar, notebook, multimedia dictionary and 'so on and so forth' (maslo maslane) . Sometimes we just need to call (np kogo? Boga?) or send (przedimek) message to somebody 'from school' (napisz to poprzwnie - tutaj nie rozumiem o co chodzi). It is widely believed that school should make life easier rather than harder(ale dla kogo? dla nauczycieli czy uczniow?).

The truth is that this really controversial and tough decision can change our school in (przedimek) very big way. If the prohibition became (przedimek) fact students would 'like' (to jest zle slowo, tego napewno nie masz na mysli) to be unhappy because of this 'agreement' (zle slowo - to nie jest agreement - bo obydwie strony sie tutaj nie zgadzaja). So the discussion is (dadac slowo) open…

Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the).


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