Yet another portion from the article I read in nowaday's Wyborcza.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The headline:
Putin: Crimea is crucial for Russia.

-Russia has a threatening army in it's disposal and will not allow to be talked to from power position - Wladimir Putin warned in his yesterday's annual message. Not for a moment did he change his propaganda tone, showing Russia as a victim of Western's aggression.

The residential message, commited in front of a thousand of russian elites' representants, is one of the most important events in Russia's liturgical callendar. Once a year Vladimir Putin is obligated to direct his speech to his political supporters - as it is written in the constitution. Because of the tradition, however, it is not him, who goes to Pride - they are members of the parliament and senators, that go to the president, a Gieogiyewski's Room overflowing with gold in Kremlin. Behind him, the senators, clergymen, court artists and entrepeneurs are standing in row.
Russia has a threatening army in 'it's disposal' (tutaj is disposal - popraw) and will not allow to be talked to from (brak przedimka) power position - Wladimir Putin warned in his yesterday's annual message. Not for a moment did he change his propaganda tone, showing Russia as a victim of 'Western's' (popraw) aggression.

The 'residential' (chyba tutaj 'presidential') message, 'commited' (zle slowo) in front of a thousand of 'russian' (popraw) elites' 'representants' (zle slowo - popraw), is one of the most important events in Russia's liturgical 'callendar' (popraw) . Once a year Vladimir Putin is 'obligated' (popraw) to direct his speech to his political supporters - as 'it' (nie wiem co to slowo tutaj robi - i calkowicie zmienia znacczene zdania) is written in the 'constitution' (ja bym tutaj dala duza litere). 'Because' (daj inne slowo - ) of the tradition, however, it is not him, who 'goes to Pride' (tego calkowicie nie rozumiem) - they are members of the 'parliament' (popraw) and 'senators' (popraw - tutaj ja dalabym duze litery), that go to the 'president' (duza litera) , a 'Gieogiyewski's' (nie wiem co to znaczy) Room overflowing with gold in (brak przedimka) Kremlin. Behind him, the senators, clergymen, 'court artists' (ciekawe, nie za bardzo rozumiem kto to jest) and entrepeneurs are standing in 'row' (tutaj w l.poj. potrzebujemy przedimka, ale napewno masz na mysli l. mn. i dlatego zmien wyraz.)
Russia has a threatening army in its disposal and will not allow to be talked to from a power position. Wladimir Putin warned in his yesterday's annual message. Not for a moment did he change his propaganda tone, showing Russia as a victim of western aggression.

The presidential message, expressed in front of a thousand of Russian elite's representatives, is one of the most important events in Russia's liturgical calendar Once a year Vladimir Putin is obliged to direct his speech to his political supporters - as is written in the Constitution. According to the tradition, they are the members of the Parliament and Senators, that go to the President, the embodiment of Gieorgijewski's Hall, overflowing with gold in Kremlin. Behind him, the senators, clergymen, court artists and entrepeneurs are standing in a row.
Cytat: sztiwen
Russia has a threatening army in<-ZLE SLOWO its disposal and will not allow BRAK DOPELNIENIA ALBO ZMIEN CZASOWNIK to be talked to from a power position. NIE KROPKA Wladimir Putin warned in his yesterday's CODZIENNIE MA COROCZNE PRZESLANIE? annual message. Not for a moment did he change his propaganda tone, showing Russia as a victim of w


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