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czy mogłabym prosić Was o sprawdzenie tych kilku zdań poniżej? Byłabym mega wdzięczna. :)

Shift work is certainly not for everyone. However there are many ways to cope with this employment practice. The most important thing is to accustom your body to work at nights- insomnia, weakness, frequent fatigue and dizziness are the most popular disadvantages. It could be hard for new employees but the longer you work, the better you are doing. You should notice that shift working has many advantages. After night shift you have the whole day to do things you cannot do in the afternoon, for instance you can go to the office or do the shopping- in the morning there are smaller queues. Some studies have shown that working at night is more effective due to greater focus because of the silence. In my opinion shift work is for someone who can adapt to his schedule and use his free time in the most efficiently way.

pozdrawiam :)
(ale nie napisalas ze to jest jakis problem...) However (przecinek) there are many ways to cope with this employment practice. The most important thing is to accustom your body to work at nights- insomnia, weakness, frequent fatigue and dizziness are the most popular 'disadvantages' (ale czego?). It could be hard for new employees (przecinek) but the longer you work, the better you 'are doing' (tutaj musimy odniesc sie do przyszlosci).
After night shift you have the whole day to do things you cannot do in the afternoon. For instance you can go to the office or do the shopping- in the morning there are smaller queues. Some studies have shown that working at night is more effective due to greater focus (ale czego? kogo?) because of the silence. In my opinion shift work is for someone who can adapt to his schedule and use his free time in the most 'efficiently' (zla czesc mowy) way.
Oj faktycznie, temat wypowiedzi miał być "wady i zalety pracy zmianowej".
Pytanko: jak najlepiej zastąpić "efficiently" z ostatniego zdania? Chodziło mi o efektywnie, ale "effective" już padło, nie chcę powielać...
Więcej uwag nikt nie będzie miał? :)
a poprawilas to 'efficiently' tak, jak terri doradziła?
Shift work is certainly not for everyone. However, there are many ways to cope with this employment practice. The most important thing is to accustom your body to work at nights- insomnia, weakness, frequent fatigue and dizziness are the most popular disadvantages of shift work. It could be hard for new employees, but the longer you work, the better you are doing. You should notice that shift working has many advantages. After night shift you have the whole day to do things you cannot do in the afternoon, for instance you can go to the office or do the shopping- in the morning there are smaller queues. Some studies have shown that working at night is more effective due to greater focus (tu nie wiem co dopisać )because of the silence. In my opinion shift work is for someone who can adapt to his schedule and use his free time in the most efficient way.
chodzi o uwagę pracownika, nie?
efficient ok, mozesz tez napisać "in the best possible way"
Czyli (...) greater focus of employee because of the (...) ?
Można temat usunąć, dzięki wielkie :)
Mogłabym prosić wychwycenie ewentualnych błędów. Sprawa jest bardzo pilna. Dziękuję bardzo za wszelką pomoc :)
Ken looked in his backpack to find his camera, but it wasn't there. He came back home from holidays that morning. Ken had unpacked and wanted to tell his mother about excitation journey to Barcelona. She asked Ken about photos, but he didn't know where device was and where he missed camera.
Ken searched his backpack. Certainly, he had camera at the airport and then in the cosy restaurant. Maybe he had lost device on the platform when he was taking with his best friend, Andrew. Terrified Ken had gone to the airport and asked worker of lost and found office about camera, but the young man didn't have any useful information, he didn't have any device. Disappointed Ken ran through the crowded streets to restaurant where this morning he had drunk delicious coffe and read a newspaper. He found there his headphones and lovely bag,which he had put under the colorful table, but without the camera. Ken was walking through the narrow streets and he still was thinking about his impresive photos which was on the missing device. At the moment he remembered that he showed photo his friend at the train station. Ken had called to Andrew and asked about camera. Andrew just remembered that Ken put the camera to pocket in the bacpack and he didn't know nothing more. Finally, resigned Ken had come back home and he finished unpacking. When he was hiding souvenirs under the bed Ken saw a camer! He felt truly happy and excited!
tell his mother about excitation journey
where device? was and where he missed TĘSKNIŁ? camera
and then NP LATER in the cosy restaurant. JA BYM ZGUBIŁ 'COSY'
when he was taking CO? with his best friend, Andrew.
and asked worker of AT THE lost and found office about HIS camera, but theY young man didn't
Terrified PRZERAŻONY? Ken had gone to the airport
THERE He found there his headphones
'showed photo TO his friend' + brak przedimka tu i w innych zdaniach
edytowany przez Aaric: 11 paź 2016
Dziękuję bardzo :)
Jeszcze jedno pytanie czy was thinking nie będzie miało znaczenia zastanawiał się?
wandered through the narrow streets, thinking where his 'aparat jest'
edytowany przez Aaric: 11 paź 2016
Dziękuję ślicznie jeszcze raz :)
Masz pomieszane czasy w tym tekście, imo.
Niestety to całkiem możliwe... przeszłe to akurat moja największa zmora :/ Może jakieś wskazówki jak mogę to poprawić?
edytowany przez sylwia9904: 11 paź 2016
np to co się wydarzyło 'that morning' - past simple.
Czy mógłby Ktoś sprawdzić i powiedzieć mi co dokładnie jest źle w tym tekście ( bardzo ważna jest dla mnie gramatyka i CZASY!).
Ken looked in his backpack to find his camera, but it wasn't there. He came back home from holidays that morning. Ken had unpacked and wanted to tell his mother about excitation journey to Barcelona. She asked Ken about photos, but he didn't know where device was and where he had lost it.
Ken searched his backpack. Certainly, he had had camera at the airport as he got on the plane and in the cosy restaurant. Maybe he had lost the camera on the platform when he was talking with his best friend, Andrew.
Upset Ken had gone to the airport and asked at the lost and found office about his camera, but they didn't have any useful information. Disappointed Ken ran through the crowded streets to restaurant where he drunk delicious coffe and read a newspaper at 10 o’clock . There he found his headphones and his lovely bag,which he had put under the colorful table earlier that morning, but without the camera. Ken was walking through the narrow streets and he was thinking where his camera with a impresive photos were. At the moment he remembered that he had showed photos to his friend at the train station. Ken had called to Andrew and asked about camera. Andrew just remembered that Ken put the camera to pocket in the bacpack and he didn't know nothing more.
Finally, resigned Ken had come back home and he finished unpacking. When he was hiding souvenirs under the bed Ken saw a camer! He felt truly happy and excited!
Ken 'put the camera to pocket in the bacpack' and he didn't know nothing more. spróbuj to poprawić
The camera into the pocket (tutaj nie wiem jak poprawić in ; of? ) the backpack........ know anything more ?
edytowany przez sylwia9904: 12 paź 2016
tak, tam ma być into, of, anything
Cytat: zielonosiwy
tak, tam ma być into, of, anything
Dziękuję :) Jakieś sugestie co do użycia czasów? Oto boję się najbardziej, że je pomieszałam....
past perfect uzywasz wtedy, kiedy chcesz podkreslic, ze jakas czynnosc sie zdarzyla wczesniej od innej
czy Ken had unpacked zdarzylo wczesniej niz Ken looked into his backpack?
where he had lost it jest dobrze, bo to sie zdarzyło wczesniej niz Ken didn't know itp.

poza tym w 1 czesci widze duzo brakujacych przedimkow i nie wiem, co to jest 'excitation journey'?
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 12 paź 2016
excitation to błąd przy przepisywaniu :/ A jeśli chodzi o to zdanie Ken had gone to the airport and asked .... może być w past perfect jako, że najpierw przyszedł a następnie zapytał, czy bardziej odpowiednią formą byłby dwa razy past simple jako, że te czynności nastąpiły jedna po drugiej?
Poprawilam to w innym watku. prosze tego nie robic Nie widzialam tego watku wczesniej. bo gdybym jego zobaczyla to nie tracilabym swojego czasu na poprawienie rzeczy, ktore tutaj sa tez wymienione.
Cytat: terri
Poprawilam to w innym watku. prosze tego nie robic Nie widzialam tego watku wczesniej. bo gdybym jego zobaczyla to nie tracilabym swojego czasu na poprawienie rzeczy, ktore tutaj sa tez wymienione.

Bardzo dziękuję za tamtą odpowiedź i przepraszam za zamieszanie z wątkami :)
P.S Zawsze gubię przedimki...
anything more
anything else
Ken had called to Andrew terri mówi że czas jest ok wiec nie mam opini. Jest inny błąd.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1-30 z 33
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