the present perfect is presently relevant

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Which of the stand-alone sentences below is or are grammatically acceptable and why?
Which are not and why?
Good answers sans their whys don't count.

(1) Where have you found the ad?
(2) Where have you hidden the ad?
(3) You have found the add quickly.
(4) You have found the add in no time at all.
(5) You have found the add quickly before.
All could be used in an appropriate context.
No takers?
(1) Where have you found the ad?
(2) Where have you hidden the ad?
(3) You have found the add quickly. Impossible with quickly.
(4) You have found the add in no time at all.
(5) You have found the add quickly before.

An eye-opener for after breakfast is a good starter:
Why does quickly disqualifies (3), but the same quickly is perfectly acceptable in (5)?
Cytat: Janski
(3) You have found the add quickly. Impossible with quickly.
(4) You have found the add in no time at all.

Quickly = in no time at all.
Samozaoranie, jak to mówi dzisiejsza młodzież.

Cytat: Janski
Why does quickly disqualifies (3)

Why does quickly disqualify (3)?
edytowany przez zielonosiwy: 29 mar 2018

