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Czy poniższe zdanie może mieć inne znaczenie niż to, że jakaś pani powiedziała w marcu, że pan piosenkarz rezygnuje z tras koncertowych i wraca do Anglii na emeryturę? Można to jakoś inaczej interpretować?
"She said in March that he was leaving touring, and he was retiring back to England."

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edytowany przez xxxyz: 06 cze 2018
Wrocil do Anglii.

leave one's job and cease to work, typically upon reaching the normal age for leaving employment.
"he retired from the navy in 1966"
synonyms: give up work, stop working, stop work; More
compel (an employee) to leave their job, especially before they have reached the normal age for leaving employment.
"the home office retired him"
synonyms: force to retire, give someone the golden handshake/parachute
"we've retired him on full pension"
(of an athlete) cease to play competitively.
"he retired from football several years ago"
(of an athlete) withdraw from a race or match, typically as a result of accident or injury.
"he was forced to retire to the bench"
put out (a batter); cause (a side) to end a turn at bat.
"the pitcher retired twelve batters in a row"
withdraw (a bill or note) from circulation or currency.
pay off or cancel (a debt).
"the debt is to be retired from state gaming-tax receipts"
withdraw to or from a particular place.
"she retired into the bathroom with her toothbrush"
synonyms: withdraw, go away, take oneself off, decamp, shut oneself away; More
(of a military force) retreat from an enemy or an attacking position.
"lack of numbers compelled the cavalry to retire"
synonyms: retreat, withdraw, pull back, fall back, disengage, back off, give ground
"their forces retired"
order (a military force) to retreat.
"the general retired all his troops"
(of a jury) leave the courtroom to decide the verdict of a trial.
go to bed.
"everyone retired early that night"
synonyms: go to bed, call it a day, go to sleep;
Nie, to zdanie znaczy to co myslisz.
Czyli jednak emerytura, a nie tylko powrót do Anglii? ;)
slowo 'retire' ma wieksze znaczenia jako 'emerytura' albo odpoczynek. Moze tez znaczyc 'odpoczynek' ale to wszystko zalezy od kontekstu. Np gdy czloweik ma 30 lat to nie za bardzo 'retiring' znaczyloby 'emerytura' ale jak 70 to chyba juz tak.
No jak dla mnie to "leaving touring" wskazywałoby tu jednak na emeryturę, ale wolałam się upewnić, bo to "retiring back" mnie zastanowiło.
edytowany przez xxxyz: 06 cze 2018
moim zdaniemn 'back' nie uzywa sie w kontekscie emerytury, raczej wlasnie powrotu do jakiegos miejsca
No wiec wlasnie "back" (to) bedzie tutaj kluczem kontekstowym w tlumaczeniu (jak w zdaniu wytluszczonym). Powrocil do Anglii .
Dziękuję :)
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