He was the dean at a college

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dlaczego przed dean jest the? To nazwa funkcji. Co myślicie?
The dean could be the top dean od that college.
Cytat: midnight_cowboy
Dlaczego przed dean jest the? To nazwa funkcji. Co myślicie?

Mr. Bertollucci was the dean of the press corps at the White House. After the war, he quit journalism. Just before retirement, he was the dean at a few colleges.
Was he also the dean of admission at Wheaton College when he was young?
Yes, He was dean of admissions at Wheaton College, but he never was a dean of admissions at Wheaton College.

All of those are correct. Something to think about.
Janski, nie pomogłeś. Wręcz przeciwnie. Mam jeszcze większy mętlik w głowie. Byłbym wdzięczny za wyjaśnienie przykładów, które podałeś, bo one same mi nic nie dają.
Ja byl dala to duza litera, 'the Dean' - to jest funkcja, tak jak Director, Premier, Minister..
Do you make an appointment to see your doctor or your Doctor, terri?
>>>Do you make an appointment to see your doctor or your Doctor, terri?
for everyday ailments...doctor, for others Mr.
Cytat: terri
Ja byl dala to duza litera, 'the Dean' - to jest funkcja, tak jak Director, Premier, Minister..

Clinton was given the job of (the) president (of the United States). Or, Clinton was elected president (of the United States).

Clinton was a lousy president, but he was nonetheless president (of the United States). He served two terms in office or, in the role of president of the US, but in my book, he was never a president (of the United States).

When you get the difference in meaning, it will be time to follow the convention of capitalizing "P/president", "P/prime M/minister"… in all the right places.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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