Prośba o sprawdzenie

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Czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić to niby streszczenie wiem, że jest mizerne ale dopiero zaczynam naukę:
This story is about two people and cat. They are American but they are in Italy.They spend their free time at the hotel because it's rain. The hotel is very exclusive with the facing the sea and face the public garden, place which is very like by artists.
The women is bored and she looked out all day long. When she stood at the window she was seeing a cat under the table in the garden. The cat was crouched because it was rain. The women wanted to help him and she went out outside. She looked out the cat everywhere , she walked along teh gravel path but she didin't find/ earth.
She went to the hotel, to the their room. Her husband read the book and he didin't like speak with her. She was very upset and she fought with her husband a little. She looked out of the window how everyday and she waited for the cat.
Suddently, someone knocked at the door and that was the maid who held a big tortoiseshell cat.
Proszę o sprawdzenie wiem, że jest dużo błędów ale nie mam pojecia jak napisać streszenie po angielsku, w jakim czasie itd. Z góry wielkie dzięki
Wielka prośba niech ktoś to sprawdzi, chociaż tak mniej więcej.
This is a story about a cat and two people. They were American but they were
in Italy.They spent their free time at the hotel because of the rain.
The women was bored and she looked out of a window all day long.
She could see a cat under a table in the garden. The women wanted to help it and she went outside. She looked for the cat everywhere , she walked along
a gravel path but she didn't find it.
She came back to the hotel, to their room. Her husband was reading the book
and he didin't want to speak with her. She was very upset and she quarreled
with her husband a little. Suddently, someone knocked at the door and that was the maid who held a big tortoiseshell cat.

(opuściłam trochę rzeczy, które wydawały mi się niepotrzebne w streszczeniu)
>The women
the woman
a book
>and he didin't want to speak with her
....speak to her
>she looked out of a window all day long
she was looking...

>she walked along
she was walking along...

>reading the book
reading a book...
Dzięki wielkie!!!
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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