PILNE - proszę o szybkie sprawdzenie.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie 2 ważnych zadań.

1. Opisz zdjęcie w podręczniku.

In the photo are a teenagers: two smile girls and one smile boy. The teenagers have rucksacks and mates (mates- chodzi mi o karimaty, czy mates znaczy karimaty ?? ). I think that they very likes climbing because they are very hapy and cheerful in the photo.
Teenagers is far from the city, in the mountains on trail, neart top of mountain.
They are climbing. I think that they going to mountain shetler because they go down and in air is getting dark. I think that they are going to go in mountain shetler because they are very high and they don't have much money . Mountain shetler is ideal because it very cheap for they.

zadanie 2. odpowiedz na pytania.

1)What are the people doing in the photo?
The people in the picture are climbing and smiling. They also hold on back rucksack and mate.
2)which country do you think they are staying in?
I think that this picture is show in different country than England( w innym kraju niż Anglia. Chcę to napisać) because in Englandmountains is low. In this picture I see high mountains.
3)What kind of accommodation do you think they are staying in ?
I think that they stay in mountain shetler because teenager often don't have much money . Mountain shetler is very chape types of accopmmodation.
4) would you like to have a holidays like this? why?
yes, i do. i very like spend holidays in mountains with my friends and have fun with friends as they. I also like climbing and breathe fresh air.
5)is this type holidays populaar in your country?
no, because people in my country like spend holidays in the seaside abrouad ( nad morzem za granicą) in expensive , beutiful hotels. people in my country believe that hoiolidays in mountains is too tirin ( a za bardzo męczące chcę napisać)
6)what sort of leisure activities are most popular in your country.
in my country the most popular sort of leisure activities are : playing on computer game in computer, watching TV, reading interesting books and similar things. Why? because people in y country don't like movement. They likes relaxing and sleeping . they don't like keep git.

Z góry dziękuję za sprawdzenie. Proszę Was o szybkie sprawdzenie, bardzo mi na tym zależy.
pozdrawiam ;-)
????prosze o sprawdzenie.
ponawiam prośbę
Jeszcze raz bardzo prosze. potrzebuję tego na jutro.
Jeszcze raz bardzo prosze. potrzebuję tego na jutro.
In the photo are a teenagers: two smile girls and one smile boy.
Jesli chcesz powiedziec że cos "jest ..znajduje się"..Uzywasz..konstrukcji "there is/there are.."
czyli :
In the photo there are teenagers: two smiling girls and one smiling boy. Nie mozesz pisac "smile" ... tylko musisz dodac -ing by utworzyc imiesłow czynny (..-ący)
nie wolno pisac a teenagers ....bo rodzajnik "a" odnosi sie tylko do liczby pojedynczej..
Nie wiem czy dam rade poprawic dalej bo padam... Spróbuje za chwile ale nie obiecuje ze zrobie wszystko..bo oczy mi sie kleją..
The teenagers have got rucksacks and mattresses ( dałam tu po prostu materace... nie wiem jak jest karimata)
I think that they very likes climbing because they are very hapy and cheerful in the photo.
they likes..Bład gramatyczny... Koncówka -s tylko w trzeciej osobie LICZBY POJEDYNCZEJ..
POZA TYM JAK CHCESZ DODAC "BARDZO" to słowko to wędruje na koniec jako "very much".poprawione zdanie:
I think that they like climbing very much because they are very happy ..( od biedy..) ładniej bedzie.. because they look happy
Poprawiam byki gramtyczne :
Teenagers is... byk
teenagers are..
I think that they going to mountain shetler because
>they go down and in air is getting dark. ... kolejny byk..powinno byc:
I think that they ARE going mountain shetler because
they ARE goING down and IT is getting dark.
Dalej niech pałeczke przejmie inny forumowicz... ja padam
P.s. pare słowek do Tomka. Trzeba popracowac nad gramatyką. Jezeli w miare pracujesz nad ang..starasz sie w jakis minimalny sposób... to znaczy , ze Twój nauczyciel jest do bani :( niestety i nie umie uczyc :( Ale ostro pojechałam... Ale jestem po udzielaniu korków podczas któryh czesto zdarza sie ze podstawy jezyka musze tłumaczyc osobom , które ucza sie juz go szósty rok......i az czasem włos sie na głowie jerzy .. jak Ci nauczyciele ucza w szkołach... :( a moze to wina tej metody komunikacyjnej i że gramatyka kompletnie idzie w odstawkę ?..ech nie wiem.. Pozdrawiam wszystkich. Prosze pomóc Tomkowi. Dobranoc
Prosze popracuj na roznicy pomiedzy l. poj a l. mnoga
In the photo THERE are a (a jest niepotrz) THREE teenagers: two smilING girls and one smilING boy. The teenagers have rucksacks and maTrsses. I think that they very (co to very? do czego to sie odnosi - czy masz na mysli 'very much'?)likes (likes to 3od l. poj - a ty mowisz o 3 osobach to chyba l. mnoga) climbing
because they are very haPpy and cheerful in the photo.
Teenagers is (teenagers - to l. mnoga a 'is to l. poj - dlaczego nie uzywasz 'are jako l. mnoga) far from the city, in the mountains on A trail, near THE top of THE mountain. I think that they going to A mountain sheLTer because they ARE goING down and IT IS GETTING dark. I think that they are going
to go in mountain shetler (sprawdz jak pisze sie 'shelter') because they are very high and they don't have much money. Mountain sheLTer is ideal because it IS very cheap for they (nie, 'for they' moze 'for them').

1)The people in the picture are climbing and THEY ARE smiling. They also HAVE RUCKSACKS AND MATTRESSES ON THEIR BACKS.
2)I think that this picture SHOWS A different country than England because in England THE mountains is (mountains to l. mnoga, dlaczego uzywasz 'is' a nie 'are') low.
3)I think that they ARE stayING in A mountain sheLTer because teenager (co tylko jeden teenager??) often don't have much money. Mountain sheLTer is A very chEAp type of accommodation.
4) Pytanie jest ...would you like...to dlaczego twoja odpowiedz jest 'Yes I do' a nie yes, I would like...??
I very MUCH like TO spend holidays in THE mountains with my friends and
have fun with friends JUST AS THEY ARE DOING. I also like climbing and breathING
IN fresh air.
5)no, because people in my country like TO spend THEIR holidays AT the seaside
abrouad (sprawdz jak to slowo sie pisze) in expensive, beutiful (sprawdz jak to slowo sie pisze) hotels.
People in my country believe that hoiolidays (sprawdz jak to slowo sie pisze) in THE mountains is (mountains to l. mnoga, dlaczego nie 'are??) too tirEing
6)in my country the most popular sort of leisure activities are :
playing computer gameS, watching TV, reading interesting books and similar things (tutaj wymien jeszcze, piszesz similar things to znaczy jakie??). Why? because people in My country don't like 'movement' (nie, movement jest zle slowo - masz na mysli 'activities?). They likes (likes to 3 os l.poj a mowisz o l.mnogiej) relaxing and sleeping. They don't like TO keep Fit.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.