do Ewa74

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ponieważ pierwszy raz korzystamz tej stronki, nie wysłałam tekstu do sprawdzenia. Przesyłam go teraz i proszę o sprawdzenie. Przepraszam za kłopot.
I have 14 years and I am going to the grammar school.
Hereafter I will be the computer programmer since because the computer science is my favourite subject at school and I like too computer games.
When I will end the grammar school I will be learning in the computer technical college in Cracow. I will pass the high school finals afterwards and I will go for studies. Hereafter I will be working in the big computer company "Microsoft". I will be creating Internet pages, computer programs for schools and companies and the game computer. I will be the famous programmer and I will be earning much money. I will write too the book about computer programs.. I will also be writing articles to the periodical "PC - Word". I will buy the luxury car and the big home thereafter in the country. When I will have 25 years I will remarry. I will have two children. We will open a shop together with my husband with computer articles in Cracow. I will be working in the town but to live in the countryside. Very I like travelling and therefore I will be visiting various countries.
First I will go to Paris together with family to see the tower Fiala. We will visit Italy and Vatican afterwards. We will also visit my auntie who is living in USA.
I am hoping that I will realize my plans for later.
Po angielsku nie mowi sie "Mam x lat" tylko "Jestem x lat stary/a"

I am 21 years old = Mam 21 lat.

Hereafter jest bardzo formalne i nie pasuje do wypracowania. Lepiej napisac po prostu "Later" albo "Afterwards" (mniej formalne niz hereafter.

"too" z reguly sie stawia na koncu zdania.

I like computer games, too.

Jak chcesz wstawic "rowniez" lub "takze" w srodku zdania, to uzyj "also".

I also like computer games.

When I will end the grammar school I will be learning in the computer
>technical college in Cracow. I will pass the high school finals

Uzywa sie "finish" a nie "end" jesli mowisz o konczeniu szkoly, kursu, etc.
Po "when" - jesli mowisz o przyszlosci - trzeba uzyc czasu terazniejszego:

When I finish....

>>I will pass the high school finals

high school = szkola srednia/liceum, a Ty we wczesniejszym zdaniu piszesz o college wiec nie "high school finals" tylko po prostu "final exams".

I will pass the high school finals
>afterwards and I will go for studies.

O jakie "studies" Ci chodzi? Studia? I will go on to university.

When I will
>have 25 years I will remarry

remarry znaczy wyjsc za maz/ ozenic sie PONOWNIE, nie pierwszy raz. Uzyj "marry" lub "get married".

Very I like

jesli chcesz powiedziec, ze cos bardzo lubisz (very much - samo "very" nie moze byc), to trzeba to wstawic na koncu zdania, np.

I like reading very much. Nie: Very I like reading.

We will also visit my
>auntie who is living in USA.

Tutaj bardziej pasuje simple present (lives), chyba ze mieszka tam tymczasowo - wtedy napisz "who is temporarily living in the USA."

>I am hoping that I will realize my plans for later. plans for my future.

To takie najwazniejsze bledy.


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