Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawienie bledow w paru transformacjach (trzeba umiescic slowka z nawiasow-nie zmieniajac ich!)

1) He opened the door slowly. He did not want to wake her up ( so that )
He opened the door slowly so that not to wake her up

2) I talked and talked but they did not listen to my arguments. (no matter)
No matter how long I talked they didn\'t listen to my arguments.

3) Do your parents want you to atay at home or go for a school trip? (would/rather/go)
......................................................... - nie wiem jak to zrobic zeby nie zmienic \"go\"

4) He was so determinated that we all accepted his proposal. (such/none/objected)
Such determinated he was that none of us objected to his proposal.

5) When he finished writing his speech, the senator started rehearsing it. (having/ went on)
Having finished writing his speech, the senator went on to rehearse it.

6) With every minute I know him, I like him more and more (longer/ know/the/like)
The longer I know him the more I like him

7) Take my advice and be on time this time; otherwise you\'ll be fired. (you/better/else)
You had better take my advice or else you\'ll be fired.

8) Flora rarely buys anything in Tesco (hardly/shopping)
Flora hardly ever does shopping in Tesco.

9) The fog was so thick that we couldn\'t see the ships in the see (make)

10) They seem to be quarrelling about the noise. (looks/though)
It looks as though they are quarrelling.

11) You were able to win the contest but you should have trained harder (if) i NIE wstawiac able
If you had trained harder you would have won the contest ???

Bardzo prosze-poprawcie mi bledy!
1. He opened the door slowly so that he wouldn\'t wake her up.
2. No matter how long I was talking they didn\'t listen to my arguments.
3. Would your parents rather stay at home than go for a school trip?
4. Such determinated was he that none of us objected to his proposal.
5. ok
6. ok
7. chyba bez \'else\' (jakoś lepiej brzmi)
8. Hardly does Flora shopping in Tesco.
9. Nie mam pojęcia :(
10. They look as though they were quarrelling about the noise.
11. ok


English only

