Wiadomość do odnalezionej rodziny - wielka prośba o sprawdzenie

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Witam Pana!
Jeśli pana przodkowie pochodzą z Polski to być może jesteśmy rodziną. Ponieważ moja babcia***** miała wujka **** który wyjechał z żoną i dziećmi( z córką: ***** i synem:***) do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Przez wiele lat moja babcia miała z rodziną kontakt ale puźniej zaginą. Moi rodzice postanowili was znaleźć po babci śmierci . Po dłuższych szukaniach dowiedzieli się tylko że mieszkali w Michigan a puźniej się przenieśli. Po marnych szukaniach zaprzestali poszukiwania rodziny. Dopiero teraz postanowiłam ich znaleźć być może was .

Hello Mr
If your ancestors come from Polish perhaps we're a family . Because my grandmother had an uncle ***** **** who left his wife and children ( her daughter : ***** and son : *** ) to the United States . For many years, my grandmother had contact with the family but later he perish . My parents decided to find you after grandmother 's death. After a long szukaniach learned only that they lived in Michigan and later he would have moved . After a miserable szukaniach stopped searching for the family. Only now I decided to find them perhaps you.
To za bardzo smierdzi dla mnie translatorem, ale zobacze.
Hello Mr
If your ancestors come from 'Polish' (kraj nazywa sie Poland, i tak piszemy) perhaps we're a family . Because my grandmother had an uncle ***** **** who left his wife and children ( her daughter : ***** and son : *** ) to the United States . For many years, my grandmother had contact with the family but later he perishED (czas przeszly.) (wg mnie to nie jest najtrafniejsze slowo, moze 'we lost contact) . My parents decided to find you after (tutaj trzeba dodaj czyjej - my') grandmother 's death. After a long 'szukaniach' (search) (ale kto? co? trzxeba napisac) learned only that they lived in Michigan and later ON he would have moved . After a miserable 'szukaniach' (nie wiem dlaczego nie znalazles tego slowa w slowniku - search) (ale kto? co? trzbe napisac) stopped searching for the family. Only now I decided to find them (tutaj trzeba cos dodac - and) perhaps you (are related)
with his wife and kids left for the US.