Past Perfect pytania i przeczenia – ćwiczenia online

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Zadaj pytanie ogólne.

  1. She had been to America before.

  2. We had left the party before Sue arrived.

  3. I had found a new job before they fired me.

  4. They had hired many people by that time.

  5. She had disappeared by the time we turned up.

  1. Susan had spent all her money before I arrived.

  2. I had worked in the same kind of company before.

  3. They had completed the work before their boss returned.

  4. John had driven a sports car before.

  5. She had written many novels by the time she was thirty.

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sports car - sportowy samochód

Thank you, ~~! ٩(- ̮̮̃-̃)۶

galant999 ja myślę że jest dobrze, "sports" w tym wypadku jest przymiotnikiem a nie rzeczownikiem w liczbie mnogiej. gdbyby było "cars" wtedy było by źle.

mysle ,ze w zdaniu nr 9 jest blad , nie powinno byc a sports tylko a sport . nie jestem jednak pewny