The same language???

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What do you think about this opinion: "Everyone in the world should speak the same language"
it would be boring
totally agree!!!
it'd be veeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy B O R I N G!!!!
What are the other arguments against the topic?
Think about all language teachers - what would they do, if everyone would speak the same language?:-> Seroiusly - maybe it would have a point it really necessary? I don't think so...
They tried with esperanto...
In such situation every progress or development, whether technical, social or educational would be impossible. Every learning process implies the exchange of different data, different ideas, different thoughts, different culture elements. So, the diversity is vital. Such diversity could only be possible owing to global multilingual environment we live in.
I guess it's not a good idea. I would be boring if everybody would speek the same language. Besides, what would we learn? It's greate that we have chinese, polish, english and others - it's a nice diversity, and skills to get :).
trochę gramatyki Daredevil_id :)
ZAPAMIĘTAJ po if nigdy nie pisze się would :]
That's nonsense! Language reflects culture; unifying languages means unifying types of culture and that would stop social development all over the world. Each progress comes from differences on any level of our life, don't you think?
>ZAPAMIĘTAJ po if nigdy nie pisze się would :]

never say never. Sometimes "would" does appear after if. It shouldn't have in this case, though.
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