Proszę o sprawdzenia kilku prostych zdań :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The film shows the process of repair a toy.
It is a metaphor of a job of a doctor.
In an operating theatre there are only the doctor, the patient and the time.
There is a competition and an award is a life.
Cytat: ale.przy
The film shows the process of repair MUSI BYC FORMA Z ING - 'NAPRAWIANIA' a toy.
It is a metaphor of THE job of a doctor.
In an operating theatre there are only the doctor, the patient and the time.
There is a competition and THE (BO NAGRODA JEST JEDNA) award is a life.
Bardzo dziękuję! <3
4. Ja bym wyrzucił jedno 'a'.
a ja nie,bo chodzi o zycie pewnej osoby