Write full answers to the questions

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Write full answers to the questions using will and adverbs in brackets.
1. A. Will you be home early toningt? (definitely)
B. Yes, I 'll definietly be home early tonight.
2. A. D you think you 'll get the gob? (propably not)
B. No, I won't propably get
3. A. Will she help you with the shopping? (perhaps)
B. Yes, she will perhaps
4. A .Will the students get bored on the school trip? (certainly not)
B. No, They won't certainly
5. A.Will you go to uniwersity when you finish school? (propably)
B. Yes, I will propably
6. A. Will she see him again? (maybe)
B. Maybe, she will
2 inny szyk, no i gdzie reszta zdania?
3, 4, 5 inny szyk
6 bez przecinka
poza tym kropki no i nie stawiamy spacji przed apostrofem
Wszystkie mają być FULL answers.


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