My dream job prosze o spr.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
In the future I want be an architect. I decide to on this job, because it's my dream and it interests me. Many people belive that people who are architect didn't have a lot work and they must can draw enought. Tjis is not truth. I think that this job has more adventages and disadventages and I trying present these in my work.
In the future I want TO be an architect. I decideD 'to' (po co to 'to' tutaj? co ono dodaje) on this job, because it's my dream and it interests me. Many people 'belive' (ortog) that people who are architectS 'didn't' (nie, zly czas -popraw- teraz. DO NOT have a lot work and they 'must can' (ladnie, 2 modale razem - ktory nauczyciel tak Cie nauczyl?-popraw) draw 'enought' (ortog). 'Tjis' (ortog) is not THE truth. I think that this job has more 'adventages' (ortog) 'and' (tutaj potrzeba THAN 'disadventages' (ortog) and I WILL 'trying' TRY TO present these in my work.