List do mikołaja sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
apisałam coś takiego i proszę o sprawdzenie błędów. i czy to wogólę tak może być.

Dear Santa Claus.
It's Dezember and will be Christimis soon so, I write letter to you, as allays.
First, I wanted to thank ou for gift lasy year. This books was really interesing. And that t-shirt I wear often. Thank you so much because that presents was so useful.
This Christmas I really want to mp4. I love hearing a rock music, so my mum is wery angry when I hear it in house.
I know I was sometimes rude, but I really apologize and I promise you I will be better.
Please remember about my parents and my sister. I want they have a great christmas.
W ogóle to jest całkiem niezłe. Jest parę błędów gramatycznych i pełno literówek, ale poza tym, to ok.

Literówek nie poprawiam.

>It's Dezember and will be Christimis soon so, I write letter to you,
>as allays.

...soon, so I am writing a letter....

>First, I wanted to thank ou for gift lasy year

...for my gifts

This books was really
THAT book

Thank you so much because
>that presents was so useful.
....those presents WERE (uważaj na liczby pojedyncze i mnogie - ma się wszystko zgadzać!)

>This Christmas I really want to mp4.

...want to receive an mp4.

I love hearing a rock music, so
>my mum is wery angry when I hear it in house.
I love listening to rock music and my mom.....when I listen to it in the house.

I want they have a
>great christmas.
I want THEM to have ....
>It's Dezember and will be Christimis soon - bradziej gramotnie: and the Christmas is soon (albo) there will be Christmas soon
and IT will be...
dzięki za pomoc ;)


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