
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć. Mogłabym prosić mądrych anglistów o sprawdzenie i poprawienie błędów. Dziękuję.

Transform the dialogue into Reported Speech:

Adam: Where were you last night? I waited for you at your apartment!
Eve: Oh! You did? Why didn't you tell me you wanted to see me?
Adam: I thought I did. You know - at work - at the coffee machine? Remember?
Eve: Sorry, dear. I don't. Why are you so tense ?
Adam: You failed to answer my calls all the evening. So, you were.. ?
Eve: You dick-head! I went to see my granny at the hospice - cell phones are forbidden there!
A: Sorry. But you could've told me. If you had, I wouldn't have spent the evening thinking you were a cheater.

Adam asked her where she was the previous night and claimed that he has waited in her apartement
She asked if he had and added why he has not told her that he wanted to see her
He replied that he has told her at the coffee machine at work and asked if she remembered that
She admited that she did not and accused him of having been tense
He accused her of failing to answer his calls the previous night and asked where she has been
She called him a dickhead and confessed to seeing her granny at the hospice claiming that cell phones are forbidden there.
He apologized and informed her that she could have told him. He suggested that he would not had spend the evening thinking were she was, If she had told him.
nie znasz regulek na mowe zalezna, to po pierwsze. Powtorz sobie, na co sie zamienia Simple Past
'add' nie sluzy do wprowadzania pytan
did you? - to nie pytanie, tylko wyraz zdziwienia, wiec powinnas tam uzyc np. she was surprised that he had
A czy teraz jest w miarę poprawnie?

C. Transform the dialogue into Reported Speech:

Adam: Where were you last night? I waited for you at your apartment!
Eve: Oh! You did? Why didn't you tell me you wanted to see me?
Adam: I thought I did. You know - at work - at the coffee machine? Remember?
Eve: Sorry, dear. I don't. Why are you so tense ?
Adam: You failed to answer my calls all the evening. So, you were.. ?
Eve: You dick-head! I went to see my granny at the hospice - cell phones are forbidden there!
A: Sorry. But you could've told me. If you had, I wouldn't have spent the evening thinking you were a cheater.

Adam asked her where has she been the previous night and claimed that he has waited in her apartement
She was surprised if he had and asked why has not he told her that he has wanted to see her
He replied that he has told her at the coffee machine at work and asked if she has remembered that
She admited that she did not and accused him of having been tense
He accused her of failing to answer his calls the previous night and asked where has she been
She called him a dick-head and confessed to seeing her granny at the hospice claiming that cell phones are forbidden there.
He apologized and informed her that she could have told him. He suggested that he would not had spend the evening thinking were she was, If she had told him.
niepowtorzylas regulek nastepstwa czasow. W dodatku nie znasz regulki o braku inwersji w pytaniach w mowie zaleznej. Nawet nie przepisalas poprawnie ode mnie zdania z surprised.