opowiadanie.prosze o spr

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jest to zakonczenie pewnego opow (w tresc radze nie wnikac :) ) prosilabym o sprawdzenie.chodzi mi glownie o czasy -cos czuje, ze pomieszalam to i owo. z gory bardzo dziekuje

Mary descovered that her uncle is a leader of a band of wreckers who lure ships onto the rocks, then murder the people and next steal valuable goods. They take them to Jamaica Inn and lock in the one of rooms. Later they sell them. Now Mary understands why the room is lock and why her aunt is such strange in the talk with her.
One time Mary met the local man. he was very nice so girl told him all story about uncle Joss. He offered her help if she'll need it. A few days later Mary doesn't know what she has to do with this all strange situation. She decided to go to the new friend and ask for a help. Unfortunately he wasn't at home. In one moment Mary felt something terrible. She knows that she has to return to home. When she back she saw Aunt Patience and Uncle Joss. Their skins were pale and bodies cold - they were murdered. 'Local man'-she said.
After funeral Mary decided leave Jamaica Inn, but before her departure Jem told her that he love her. Marry staied in Jamaica Inn.
tak dowolnie zmieniasz czas z terazniejszego na przeszly i odwrotnie.
Wszystko w czasie przeszlym!
Jest tu tez wiele innych bledow...
a)dzieki za odpowiedz :)
b)pierwszy akapit wydaje mi sie dobrze zbudowany pod wzgledem czasow?
a co to jest descovered?;)
oja literowka - straszne ;p (no chybaze chcesz mi cos udowodnic odnosnie czasow)
b) Nie, wszystko w Simple Past - poczytaj o tzw. następstwie czasów i mowie zależnej (mozna znaleźć w wyszukiwarce na naszym forum)
a wiec ->

Mary discovered that her uncle was a leader of a band of wreckers who lured ships onto the rocks, then murdered the people and next stole valuable goods. They took them to Jamaica Inn and locked in the one of rooms. Later they sold them. Now Mary understood why the room was locked and why her aunt was such strange in the talk with her.
One day Mary met the local man. He was very nice so girl told him all story about uncle Joss. He offered her help if she would need it. A few days later Mary didn't know what she had to do with this all strange situation. She decided to went to the new friend and asked for a help. Unfortunately he wasn't at home. In one moment Mary felt something terrible. She knew that she had to back to home. When she got there she saw Aunt Patience and Uncle Joss. Their skins were pale and bodies cold - they were murdered. 'Local man'-she said.
After funeral Mary decided left Jamaica Inn, but before her departure Jem told her that he love her. Marry staied in Jamaica Inn.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.